Chapter 16

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Jayden's side:

Jayden had been having the time of her life since Mark asked her to be his girlfriend. They were skating everyday all around. At night, they would sneak out to random diners and hang out. Jayden was so in love and so was Mark it felt like nothing nor no one could stand in their way. And for a while nothing did. Watching the sunrise everyday then sneaking back in to their houses was such a rush it never got dull. Their parents were so happy for them, and they thought that it was also about time for them to realize their feelings for each other. Mark was constantly having diner at Jayden's house and Jayden was having lunch at his, it felt like their parents had written eating schedules so they could both spend time with both the kids, Mark and Jayden thought it was really cute. And then you had the casual Friday night dinners where both of the families gather at some restaurant and had dinner all together. The couple was so relieved that the parents already had been rooting for them and that they actually liked each other. Friday night dinners were really casual no one dresses fancy, Jayden's little brother loved Mark and he would always want to sit next to him, her older sister not that much she was usually reading a book of some sort or scrolling through Sebastian Stan pictures.

Mark had one sister in college and an older brother who had just started college, they never came to Friday night dinners and Jayden didn't even like his brother anyway.

Everything was going perfectly just like that, until Lexie got into her accident and Jayden had to visit both April and Lexie on her own, but she made it work.

She had a plan for any kind of situation, April's visiting hours on a page and Lexie's on the second, then you had her plans with Mark and dinners and everything. All of it was going according to plan.

Until one morning, Jayden found herself in a waiting room again, her father had, had a terrible heart attack and was now in the operating room. Every one of her friends had made it out of there alive and she was praying for her dad to make it out too.

A tall heart surgeon came out of the OR, he had a grin on his face, but surgeons always did, she still had hopped and had her fingers were crossed.

-" I'm so sorry, we did everything we could, but the damages were too severe, he didn't make it."

The next morning:

Jayden was still in bed, she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday, Mark had stayed the night, he was still asleep on the couch next her bed. Jayden was angry, she was sad and she couldn't believe any of it. Nothing had sunk in yet, Mark woke up an hour later and found his girlfriend in the same position he had left her in before falling asleep yesterday: tears rolling down her cheeks completely broken staring at her mirror. Mark got up and sat beside her, unsure what to say:

-" Can I get you something to eat J?" he asks in a trembling tone.

She simply shakes her head no.

-" Do you want me to call your mom or your sister?" he asks again.

Again, she shakes her head no.

-" Can I get you a glass of water or anything?" at this point he did not know what he had to say.

-" Mark stop trying to help, you don't have to stay here and take care of me, go home!" she yelled, holding back her tears.

Jayden had a bad habit of pushing people away when things got hard, she loved Mark, she really did with all her heart, but she couldn't handle the idea of people taking pity on her. She liked to handle all her shit on her own.

Seconds later, Mark had left, leaving Jayden all alone with her thoughts. She had just lost her dad, her best friend, and her person. Jayden had always been daddy's little girl since forever, and this hurt more than anything else. The rest of the day her mom gathered all three of them to talk about the whole situation, Jayden wasn't hearing any of it, all she could think about was her dad, she didn't even eat a bite of her food at lunch and when her mom took diner up to her room she left both plates full.

The next day, Mark came back, Jayden didn't want to speak with him still, so he hung out with her brother, every day felt harder then the one before, this one especially because it was the funeral day.

Jayden sat beside her mom and next to her an empty chair where Mark was supposed to sit, but she had completely kept him in the dark, she was scared he wouldn't show up as well, but he did, he sat next to her and held her hand without saying a word. After those long days it was the first time she had felt comfort, she placed her head on his shoulder and the ceremony continued.

They were back home, in front of Jayden's porch door,

-" Listen Mark I'm sorry for the way I treated you back there it was horrible of me to do that to you, you were just trying to help." she says holding his hand.

-" J, you just lost your dad I'm always going to be here, whether you want it or not." he smirks.

She kisses his lips goodnight and goes inside.

The next day she wakes up in the after noon she didn't sleep much at night, she found her phone blowing up with missed calls from Lexie, she didn't call back though she said she would do it later, but she forgot.

She decided to head down to the hospital, it was really dark and her phone flashlight was broken, she saw two shadows beating each other up right next to the back entrance, she couldn't tell who they were, so she ran to main entrance, she went inside and walked to Lexie's room first , but to her surprise no one was there, she then walked to April's room and found them both inside. They had worried looks on their faces. She peaked through the glass and for a second she felt like they had seen her but they hadn't, she wasn't ready to face them yet so she walked back outside...

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