Chapter 2

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April's vision turned blurry, she could hear voices yelling out:

"Push one of epi, and charge to 100 stat." then the voices would stop and yell out again: "Clear."

Another voice then cried:" We don't have much time, she has blood in her abdomen, we have to get her to an OR stat!"

Another women's voice then yells out: "But I have to get her a head CT she could have severe brain damage."

After that, everything April was fainted.


April woke up, in a hospital bed, a week later after the accident, she was in pain, the sun was shining through the ugly curtains hanging on the window. She did not quite recognize where she was and her reflection on the window scared her. Her entire body was covered in scratched and bruises, unable to move from the pain.

Three strangers eventually entered the room, she couldn't recognize any of them.

One of them finally introducing herself as April's doctor and then stating that April needed to do tests right away.

The women came up and held her hand, April flinched.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?"

Then the man sat next to her and started crying.

April was still unable to talk much so she simply asked.

"Excuse me, but who are you?"

The doctor replied: "Honey, you don't recognize your parents?"

She shook her head no. Then the man started crying even more which freaked April out.

The doctor took the parents outside and began explaining to them her condition, she had temporary memory loss, but the good news was that at any time it could come back to her, they just had to wait.

They all got to this tiny room with a huge machine, the doctor explained to April that she needed to lay there very still for a while so they can get tests.

April was terrified, but she couldn't say no, so she just went along with it.

Long moments later, she was back in her room staring at the ceiling trying to remember what happened not quite sure what she was supposed to do about it.

Suddenly a blond boy who looked about her age, came in, he was in a wheelchair as well.

"April, I missed you so much." said the boy, leaning in for a kiss.

April was tremendously confused so she instantly pushed him away.

His eyes were now two buckets of clear water.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" she asks completely confused.

The boy explains in a shivering voice: "mm.. it's Michael." there's a brief pause before he says: " I'm your boyfriend, have you forgotten me too?"

"I'm really sorry, but I can't seem to remember anyone, I apparently couldn't even recognize my own parents, I'm so sorry."

"You shouldn't apologize, this is all my fault anyway." a sad expression takes over his face.

"Your fault? How could all of this be your fault?" she replies, even more confused than before.

"Well, I was driving and a car crashed into us, I couldn't take a turn fast enough. The airbag opened on my side but..." his eyes show unbearable pain. "You, had your seatbelt off and flew out of the glass, you've been in a coma for a week now. Again, I'm deeply sorry." he couldn't resist crying.

"I flew out of a window, wow, now that explains the pain." she lets out a light laugh.

"Listen, April, I know you don't remember who the hell I am but I'm going to help you remember everything, just give it time. I love you." Those three last words escaped his mouth as if they had for the very for the very first time.

April was at a loss for words, so she just nodded her head and smiled.

When Michael eventually left, she was all alone again, no visitors allowed, even the people who claimed were her parents couldn't enter, she felt so alone.

As soon as it turned dark outside she decided to go to sleep.

The morning after, April was still asleep. She could hear two voices whispering: "You think we should wake her?" asked the first one.

"She looks so peaceful, I don't think we should." the other one replied.

April slowly begins to open her eyes.

"See you woke her up!" shouted one of them.

"I woke her up? I'm pretty sure that was your doing." yelled the other one.

Standing in front of her were two girls, a certain redhead and a brunette with dark black hair, April couldn't help but notice how pretty they both were.

"Umm... Excuse me who are you?"


"She lost her memory she's not deaf Lexie!" replied the redhead.

"So I'm guessing you're Lexie and you're Jayden?" asked April pointing at them.

Jayden nodded and continued:" I'm so sorry that jackass Michael got you into that accident, but don't you worry we'll jog your memory back in no time."

"I never really liked that boy." Lexie announced.

"He explained what happened, I really don't think he could have done anything more." April replied.

"Even with no memory you're still defending that bastard's honor, people never change do they." said Lexie while a smile lit up her face.

The two of them began to talk about how the party was lame and that April hadn't missed anything really. The continued by trying to help her remember her life, or them at the least, but nothing worked, even the most embarrassing stories they told her, her celebrity crushes along the years, her real ones, her first kiss, their first vacation together, it all failed to bring her memories back.

Visiting hours were over; a nurse practically kicked them out. April started laughing, for the first time in a while, to the point where she could barely catch a breath, it felt good to laugh.

Later on, that day, her parents and Michael came by. Michael was in better shape his scars were healing. April's parents kept on trying by showing April her baby albums, they knew it was too early for her to remember anything, but they couldn't help but try.

As for Michael he basically narrated their entire love story to her, which April found beautiful, but nothing was adding up in her mind and it made her feel horrible.

Later that day, the doctors came in to take her up to surgery, this was one of the many surgeries they had to preform along several months to insure full recovery.

They prepped her for surgery and took her up to the OR. All surgeries had at least a 20% chance of failure, so they all waited for her to come out praying everything goes as planned...

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