Chapter 4

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He didn't quite pay attention to the fact that April was even in the room, in his hands a book of some sort, it seemed heavy by the looks of it.

The 6'ft tall dreamboat was all settled in and the nurses had left, they were both alone, the boy couldn't care less his eyes buried in his book, but April being her curious self, sat up and said:

"Hey there..."

It took him about 5 seconds to reply with a dry: "Uhh... hi." and then buried his eyes straight back into his book.

April had to make conversation:" So what's your name?"

"Adrian." he replied then sighed.

"Coooool nice name, so I'm April, I've been in an accident as well, if you ever need to talk."

"Okay, are you looking for a round of applause or?" he shot back.

April ignored his question and continued asking.

"So what are you reading there?"

Adrian closes his book with a sort of rage and answers:" Listen, I have a feeling you want us to be friends, okay, let's NOT do that. I'm just here for a couple of months to finish up on my surgeries and then we don't have to see each other's faces ever again deal?"

April was shook she didn't let out another words and silently sat back rolling her eyes and continued watching a movie she had started with earlier that day.

What could have this world done to this boy to the point of making him this cruel.

Her parents dropped by to meet the new roommate, they as cheery and as nice as they've ever been tried to make small talk with Adrian but he was just as dry as he was when talking to April.

They moved on, and started asking their little girl about minor things, like if she ate, and how she was feeling before going into her second surgery of the week. April had grown to love her parents again even if she couldn't remember them, they made her feel safe.

Like always, she was in the OR and her parents waiting for her in the other side, this time the surgery went smoothly and there weren't any complications.

An hour later, April opened her eyes and found Lexie and Jayden by her side. Last time they were here, they were great company. Just like her parents, she had grown to care about them, she had grown to care about all the people in her life before she lost her memory but her feelings about Michael weren't that good.

April was chatting with Lexie, talking about where Joshua took her on a date last night, where she notices Jayden smiling at her phone.

"Jayden, who are you talking to?" April was very intrigued.

"Oh it's no one, it's just Mark."

"Who's Mark?"

"The guy Jayden is "Just friends" with." quoted Lexie.

"I don't even remember him and I can tell it's more than that." April pointed out, trying very hard not to laugh.

Jayden's face now buried in red, but still not out of denial.

Eventually, Lexie and Jayden left, and April couldn't do anything all night and she hadn't seen Adrian anywhere today.

She notices a stack of books on his nightstand.

Would it hurt if she picked one up and read it?

Adrian would never need to know.

She finally decides to pick out the first book on sight and was now 30 minutes reading, until she heard a knock at the door.

Thinking it was Adrian, April clutched the terror stuck in between her throat and rushed to hide the book under her bed as quickly as possible, but it wasn't him.

It was Michael...

"Hey April, how are you feeling today?"

"I feel just fine." she replied in a dry tone, not meaning to of course but it just came out.

The tension was indescribably uncomfortable, weirder than when Adrian came in and refused to speak to her.

It was late, so the sun was already down and the moon shun again per usual accompanied by shining stars.

"We used to love watching the stars together, I loved doing that with you. I- I loved you, I still do." Michael let out in a shaking tone.

"Really, I didn't know we used to do that, it must have been fun." replied April, unsure what do say, she didn't love him, and she didn't want to lie.

"So do you? Love me?" he asks, hoping for the right answer.

"I mean um... I don't remember- it- it's been hard to be in the hospital day and nigh-"

He doesn't let her finish and cuts her off by lashing out:

"It's been hard on you, it's always about you. Don't you think it's been hard on me, I mean you obviously don't love me anymore, you feelings got lost on the way with your memories. And I am sitting here drowning in guilt all day because of what happened that night." His voice kept getting higher and higher and the veins on his neck began to appear...

"It's not your fault, you shouldn't blame yourself for this." She tries to stay calm.

Now he was screaming and it was obvious.

"Don't blame yourself? How am I supposed to do that while you're not even talking to me! Come on April, you've been sitting in this bed all day doing nothing, at least I'm trying to fix things, you're not even trying!"

"There's nothing to fix, you're a complete stranger to me, I'm sorry..." she tries to say as nicely as she can, though there's nothing nice about that sentence.

"You're sorry, wow, YOU'RE SORRY. Have you even taken a minute to think about how all of this is making ME feel! "he gets closer, to a point where it feels like he's about to punch her in the face, April begins to get worried and was preparing herself to scream for help.

"YOU'RE A SELFISH BIT-" a shadow comes straight into the room and punches Michael in the face; he was now on the floor, his nose bleeding...

"Are you okay?" the shadow turns to April and as it meets the light of the room, she realizes it was Adrian...

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