Chapter Thirty-Six

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Keeping her eyes closed, she tried to ignore the pounding of the drums on her mind. It was a headache that she would have been much better without. Once the paramedics had gone, they'd been moved into one of the cells at the back and Argent had the opportunity to phone a solicitor. Derek was sat on the bench his eyes narrowed as he tried to listen in to the conversations, Argent was sat beside him, and Hayley was on the other side and she hadn't given up using his shoulder as a pillow in hopes of proving something softer.

"Still nothing?" Argent asked, and within a few seconds of having no response he spoke again, "Derek?"

"Hold on..." Derek muttered.

"Hey, where's the Sheriff?" A deputy's voice called from the distance - something that only Derek could hear out of the three.

"Stilinski's out for the day." Parrish said, "So, the Katashi murder is now a federal investigation. Everything here that wasn't blown up needs to be placed in lockup."

Derek snapped out of his concentration looking over to Argent, "you were right. They're moving all the evidence," he said, and Argent nodded to show he understood.

"Was there anything about the murder itself? Any other details?"

"Just about putting Katashi's things in a federal lockup, and something about Stilinski being out for the day," he said, and Argent nodded again, "you know... If all of this is true, people are dead because of Stiles."

"But is it really Stiles? Remember, we've had this problem before..." Argent reminded.

"But we got lucky with Jackson. What happens when you don't get lucky?"

"We die," Hayley muttered, reminding them both that she was still there.

"I guess it depends on how much or how little of Stiles is left," Argent admitted. It was silent for a couple of seconds before he spoke up again, "you ever heard of the Berserkers?"

"Germanic warriors. They wore the skins of bears to channel their ferocity," Derek said.

"They didn't just wear them-- they became them. You know, a couple of years ago, a family came to us for help with their son... This group of teenagers, they were doing all sorts of rituals with animal skins. Somehow, they tapped into it. But, with Berserkers, the human side doesn't last long-- they're not tempered by the moon."

"He killed people?" Derek asked.

"He tore them apart. Eventually, I had to tell the family their son was gone. It took three of us to take him down. Almost every bullet we had. And, when it was over, I felt no remorse. None. I knew that kid was long gone."

"Would you feel any remorse putting Stiles down?"

"Stiles? Yes. But not a Nogitsune."

The sound of footsteps approaching made them fall silent, and Parrish was the one to enter with his eyes settling on Chris. "Argent, you're attorney is here," he said and Chris frowned looking to Derek before he pushed himself to his feet. He hadn't called an attorney so he had no idea who had been called and who was there.

Chris pushed himself to his feet leaving and Derek glanced down at Hayley, "you doin' okay there?" He asked, and she hummed.

"My head hurts," she admitted, and he nodded.

"Come here," he muttered and she frowned as he pressed his hand to her forehead gently. Within seconds black veins were growing up his arm and the pain was leaving, "does it hurt anymore?"

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