Chapter Twenty-One

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It had been four months. Four months and it had been filled with either preparations for the baby or it was Isaac, Peter, and Derek all looking for Erica and Boyd. None of them knew where they'd been and they had suspicions that they'd been caught by the alpha pack. Both Derek and Hayley had come to a mutual understanding which had come from the lack of tension and they'd yet to have another argument. Everything felt semi-normal. Or as normal as it could be. Although, the issue now was that they'd moved from a sauna to a freezer. A freezer with a lot of stairs to get to.

Grabbing onto the edge of the chair, she tried desperately to reach her foot and get the fluffy sock on. She already had one on. Hayley was the only one in the loft and she was trying to protect her feet from dropping off. She'd already covered herself in a couple of blankets trying to protect herself from the attack of the cold. His werewolf self was find and a walking radiator, whereas she was just struggling.

Hearing the phone go off, she sighed dropping her foot back down to the floor and pulling the device from her pocket. Pressing it to her ear she hummed to tell them that she was listening. "Hey," it was definitely her mother, "Isaac and some girl just got rushed into the hospital. I don't know what to do - he's going to be put into surgery."

"Okay, I'll call Derek," she trailed off, "bye mom."


Scrolling through the contacts she quickly found the right one, pressing onto it and putting it to her ear. It was several seconds later when it went straight to answer phone, "Isaacs in the hospital. You should probably do your job and do something about it," she mused before hanging up.

Sighing, she grabbed onto the back of the sofa and it took a couple of minutes before she was able to push herself up. "God dammit, Derek Hale," she muttered before shuffling towards her shoes. They were all slip-ons so she wouldn't have to get them on awkwardly. "I'm gonna kill you. Kill you a thousand ways."

It took a long while to get to the hospital and after finding out which room Isaac was in, she snagged onto the elevator. If they thought she was going to go up the stairs then they could forget it.

Reaching Isaac, she glanced at him concerned, "what happened?" She asked, "why are you all cut up?"

"You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous," Isaac rushed out, and she rolled her eyes. She was in the hospital. It couldn't be that dangerous.

"Well some arrogant man isn't picking up his phone, so I'm the next best thing," she admitted, just as Melissa walked in panic filling her face.

"Okay, okay," she muttered grabbing onto Isaac's dressing and pealing it away to see the injury there, "Yeah... Yeah, that's healing. Visibly. They can't see this. Nobody can see this."

"All right, cover it up..." Isaac muttered as Melissa put the dressing back down.

"I don't think that's gonna matter-- I mean, you're scheduled for surgery, which is obviously gonna be very confusing for a lot of people," she explained and Hayley nodded.

"Yeah, I think we need to get you out of here."

"Can you do something?" Isaac asked, looking up to Melissa.

"Me do something? I'm relatively new to all of this, and there's a Sheriff's deputy that's stationed right outside the door," she explained and Hayley glanced at the window. Could they toss him out the window? Were they low enough?

"Have you tried calling Derek?"

"Like, five times."

"He's not answering me, either," Hayley added on as she crossed her arms.

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