Chapter Ten

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Kicking the duvet away from her body, she twisted around trying to get comfortable. However, it was impossible considering the fact that the heat was insufferable and everything felt like it was sticking to her: the air, the sheets, the bed, her clothes. Although, she'd also taken most of those off until she was only in her under-wear. She'd been trying to get to sleep for the past couple of hours although it was becoming more apparent to her that sleep wasn't something she was going to get.

"You know, I can hear you from outside," a voice called and she could only groan in response crossing her arms and resting her chin on top of them.

"Well maybe if you let me open a window," she growled out refusing to look at him, "this place is like a sauna."

She could hear his footsteps as he walked closer to the bed, "you open a window and before you know it you have hunters shooting into the window," Derek said.

"Then maybe I go home."

"I can't protect you in your house."

She'd been in his 'house' - if you could even call it that, it was simply an abandoned underground bus station - for a couple of weeks now and it was beginning to drive her insane. If she wasn't working then she was either at her mothers or in the station. It wasn't necessarily something which she was enjoying but instead it was something which had become a reason to make Derek's life a living hell.

"What are we protecting me from again?" She asked, and he sighed taking a seat on the bed and she sighed herself rolling over to face him. She pushed herself up so that she was sat up her head closer to meet his eyes. "You know, if you're going to keep me prisoner then you could at least tell me... and get some form of ventilation in this place."

"Hayley... you wouldn't understand," he finalised, "and I'm not keeping you prisoner. I just need to make sure that you're here every night."

Leaning in closer, she hummed as if contemplating the words, "you know," she began with a honeyed smile on her face, "that sounds an awful lot like being a prisoner." Kicking her leg out nudging him in the hip, it wasn't aggressive per say nor would it ever hurt him, but it made a good enough impact to get the message across. "Now if you can't fix the ventilation, leave."

He rolled his eyes out of irritation, but did so anyway.

The next day, she was sat at the kitchen island with a tea in hands as she stared at her mother. The pair were talking about small pieces of gossip although Hayley was struggling. She still hadn't told her mother anything and so naturally the elder woman was worrying about her - she was living in a place that she couldn't see and there was very little she knew.

"I still think you should maybe change your job. You shouldn't be putting yourself through the stress," Melissa said as she placed a plate of toast down onto the kitchen counter, "now eat up, you're not just eating for yourself anymore."

Hayley, only swallowed down the small section of drink she had in her mouth as she stared at her mother confused. "Mom, I already ate breakfast I told you," she reminded, "and not to mention the fact that I'm only two months along and so really... is there a need to be this panicked over it? No."

"Sweetie... the first trimester is the dangerous trimester," Melissa urged nudging the plate of toast closer to Hayley who only sighed. Placing the cup down onto the table, she grabbed onto the plate bringing it so that it was directly in front of her. "Now then, have you figured out who the father is?"

"Er..." Hayley began, moving her eyes to look at the toast, "no. I have not. I don't know," she finalised. Grabbing onto the piece of toast, she raised it up to her mouth taking a bite. "I've been going through the track list and I can't seem to think of any... none of which fit the time frame," she explained.

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