Chapter Sixteen

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Staring up at Derek, Hayley sat on the sofa with her arms crossed. Her body was hid in an oversized jumper which she'd bought purely for comfort or it could have been the one she'd stolen from Derek. It was hard to decipher which one was which. Her eyes were sunken in and her skin pale from the amount of crying she'd done the night before, although she was slowly looking like her old health. Derek was trying to explain his plan to deal with the kanima, but none of them particularly enjoyed it.

"So, why do we need their help?" Isaac asked.

"Because it's harder to kill than I thought, and I still don't know who it is." He confessed and they all waited trying to figure out what the catch was. There was always a catch. They also had to get on the same side as Scott and Stiles - something which would be easy for Hayley, but she wasn't going to help them trick her brother and his friend. Both of which were effectively brothers since she considered Stiles as one.

"And they do?"

"They might-- which is why I need one of you to get on their good side."

"Mmm. Scott or Stiles?" Erica asked with a slight flirt and Hayley couldn't help but roll her eyes as she grabbed onto a magazine from the side already being done with the conversation. She had no interest in helping anyone with the Kanima. She also thought it was concerning that reading about women promoting unhealthy diets was more interesting than the supernatural world. Of course she had no problem with weight loss or dieting as long as it was done in a mentally and physically healthy way, but those who were pressured into it and doing it in an unhealthy way she had issues with. Of course not the people themselves because usually they weren't aware of how unhealthy the actions they were taking were, but the people who were aware and promoted it... them she thought shouldn't have any influential standing.


"None of them are going to trust any of you," she pointed out and they glanced at her annoyed, "you tried to kill both Lydia and Jackson. What would have happened if you'd killed Lydia? You would have killed an innocent girl... not to forget you haven't even considered the possibilities of saving them. So they will never trust you." She trailed off.

"Then why don't you help?" Erica asked crossing her arms with spite filling her eyes.

"Because unlike you sired little bitches... I'm not going to help you murder someone so you can boost your little ego's."

"Okay, you're not helping then," Derek cut in not wanting further arguments. Hayley only shrugged not bothered by the fact.

It was silent for a few seconds before Isaac spoke up, "You know, the full moon's coming, Derek."

"I'm aware of that." Derek grit out throwing a box towards them and Erica was the first to dive into it pulling out chains and a spiked headband.

"Oh my. These look comfortable."

"Where do you even buy shit like this? I mean I'd like to think people don't kink shame but I'm sure you got some funny looks," Hayley mused as she glanced at them herself and Derek rolled his eyes before looking up to the ceiling. He looked like he was in prayer.

"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted."

"There hasn't been time."

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... That means you're alone against the Argents," Isaac pointed out and Derek crossed his arms growing annoyed with all the persistence. But that was what happened when you decided to make a pack out of teenagers.

"They haven't found us."

"Yet. So, how about we forget about the Kanima?"

"We. Can't!" He finally shouted and the room fell into a tense silence as he did so. Glancing over the faces of the teenagers, Hayley contemplated whether she should get up and leave or not. "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it... He wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning. But, I'm sure about one thing-- we have to find it, first."

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