Chapter Eight

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Pulling up at the Hale residence her eyes scanned the building. Bullet holes marred every single piece of wood she could find. Swallowing the bile in her throat and the warning in her stomach which screamed at her to run away. Climbing out of the car, she headed towards the house not wanting to move too quickly. Never before had she been so afraid of the house. It was strange really, this was a house that not only had she slept with someone in, but also defended a murderer and many other things.

There was no sound from her converse as she walked up the stairs and into the building and even though it felt unstable before it now felt like ruins. There was nothing left of it now. Spotting a bullet on the floor she walked over to it and crouching down she reached out to grab it. Truth be told there were a thousand bullets on the floor, but this was the only one which meant anything to her. It was not special at all.

Coldness swept through her fingertips as she grabbed onto it and pulling it closer to inspect her face she missed the sound of footsteps behind her. Twirling it around her eyes settled on a crest. She'd never seen that crest before.

"And who might you be? A friend of Derek's?" At the voice, she stood to her feet quickly whirling around to face the woman. Kate Argent, blonde with and attractive and someone that Hayley didn't know but feared. "No, you don't look like the werewolf type."

Taking a step back Hayley looked at her cautiously, "who are you?" She asked taking another step back from the huntress who only began to smirk.

"You look familiar... ah I know, I've seen you around with Derek. Chris told me you'd put up quite the show with him as well at the gas station," she mused, "can't have you running back to the other beta, now... can we?" She asked. Kate then reached out knocking Hayley over the side of the head and the girl fell to the floor crying out in pain.

Whirling around, she tried to kick her away but Kate was far better trained than she was. Pulling out a gun from her pocket, Kate aimed it at the other who only stared up at her with a new fear growing, "shit," she muttered and Kate smirked nodding. She understood, but it was still amusing to her.

"Yeah, now come along because I really don't want to have to drag your ass myself," Hayley stood to her feet and her arm was grabbed and a gun pressed to her back as she was forced through the house. It was a lengthy walk through to the basement and she wanted desperately to have something to do with her hands but she couldn't.

As she entered the basement her eyes settled on Derek who was tied up and he frowned upon seeing them. "Now sit," Kate ordered and Hayley glanced back at her confused. Kate only rolled her eyes grabbing onto her shoulder and forcing her down onto the floor on a separate wall from Derek. Her wrists were then clasped in zip ties against a pole.

"What are you doing? She's human and innocent." Derek pointed out and Kate shrugged.

"Never stopped you before did it?" Kate asked and Hayley looked between them confused, "now then back to business. Who's the alpha?" Derek didn't say anything causing her to groan, "Come on, Derek. He killed your sister. Now, either you're not telling me because, well, you want to kill him yourself... or, for some reason, you're protecting him." Stepping forward she grabbed onto his chin to admire it, "Look at that sour face. I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying, "Smile, Derek!" "Why don't you smile more?" Don't you just wanna kick those people in the face?"

"I can think of on," he muttered.

"I suppose we could try another thing," she mused before turning around and walking over to Hayley, "I wonder, would you react if it was this supposed innocent who would make you talk?" Hayley opened her mouth to speak but before a word left her mouth the butt off the gun slammed against her forehead.

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