Snowy Sneezes ~ "Frozen Fever" Songfic

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{Yes, I wrote this all at once because it's my bday and I love Pixane!! :)}


Early one morning, Zane crept into Pixal's room with a smile on his face. He'd just finished getting the Bounty ready for Pixal's self-proclaimed birthday. "Snowflake?" He shook her gently and she rolled over lazily.

"Hmm?" She mumbled and drew a deep, sleepy sigh.

"I have a surprise for you. Hurry, we must leave soon if we are to arrive in time." He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and swept out the door with a smile. He peeked his head back in to give her one last bit of instruction. "Oh, and dress nicely."

Confused, Pixal rolled out of bed and got dressed in a simple purple dress with silver leggings. She didn't know it was her "birthday" quite yet, since the team had decided to give her a surprise party instead. She ventured outside into the hallway, where Zane surprised her by appearing out of nowhere and taking her hand, giving it a quick kiss.

"Close your eyes and hold my hand," he told her a second before he slipped a black bandanna over her eyes. He grabbed her hand and led her into another room.

"Zane, what-" Pixal tried to ask what was happening, but Zane quieted her with a finger to her lips. Rolling her eyes even though he couldn't see, she agreed to stay quiet. She followed his lead by squeezing his hand while he led her through the halls of the ship. Eventually, he stopped and let go. She waited anxiously while his footsteps went all around her.

"Alright, here we go." Zane unknotted the bandanna and slipped it off Pixal's eyes. A second later, she gasped.

"Oh my goodness!" A whole table of food and presents were set up in the game room! The whole team was waiting there for her! "What is all this?"

"Happy birthday Pixal!!" They shouted in unison. Only then did Pixal glance at the date. February 28. Today was the 4 year anniversary of the day she was brought online!

"We decided to plan a party for you because first of all, we had no clue when your birthday was! Second, because Cole wanted cake! Aaaaand drumroll please..." Jay patted on his legs with a grin, "because Zane talked us all into doing this because he's way head over heels for you! Surprise!" Pixal grinned.

"That is incredibly sweet! Thank you all!" She grabbed Zane's hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek, to which he beamed with a dreamy smile. Nya aww-ed and nudged Jay. It was so rare to see them do anything beyond holding hands, so this was a treat!

"Now, before we get into all this lovely food, I have a little adventure I planned for Pixal and me. We shall return within a few hours--just make sure everything is preserved properly." Zane told them and squeezed her hand.

"Oh? Whatever could this surprise be?" Pixal asked with a little smirk and raised her eyebrow. Zane was always creative with what he came up for them to do as activities together. He mimed zipping his lips and pointed to the table, where a piece of red string was taped to the edge.

Pixal went over to grab it and realized it ran a lot longer than she thought it did. "Just follow the string!" Zane told her and motioned for her to go follow it. He clicked play on a speaker in his arm and while Pixal followed the string down the hall, he began to sing.

You've never had a real birthday before
Except, of course, the one you spent inside of my head
So I'm here way too late to help you celebrate
And be your birthday date if I may...

"Achoo!" His sneeze surprised Pixal, who was examining a piece of furniture for a note. She pursed her lips and made up lyrics to go with what he was singing.

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