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{Any with * was copy-pasted from my Discord, either from me or someone else. This is a constantly updating list, by the way}


* Me: Headcanon that whenever Zane and Pixal go out, they've developed a system that can disguise them to look like normal humans. They don't go on dates as "the Titanium Ninja and Samurai X", but as just Zane and Pixal, normal Ninjago citizens. They do normal human things, like eating ice cream or climbing trees and sitting in them to watch the sunset. Just imagine little snowflakes falling around Zane whenever he gets excited Pixal is with him and they always go home covered in snow flurries, even in summer.


* User e: Zane grows Pixal's favourite flowers and gives them to her sometimes. He sometimes puts them in her hair. And their bedroom is full of potted plants.
User O: Adding on to [User #1]'s headcanon, Pixal's favorite flower is a flower her and Zane made together, and it can survive even the fiercest of winters. {This pair of headcanons is what I based "Pixalonilis Zaneicus" off of}


* Me: Pixal and Zane don't need to sleep as often as the others, right? So when everyone else is asleep, they like to sit on the deck of the Bounty and talk about life. They talk about anything and everything, but their favorite topic is their family. They know they'll outlive the others, being metal, so they talk about everything they want to do and everywhere they want to go while they're all still together.

Then they reminisce about everything they've done and everywhere they've gone already. And they're reassured that life will go on, someday in the future when they're the only ones left. And Zane usually ends up being the one comforting Pixal, since she's dealt with her emotions for a shorter time than he has. He's already accepted he will outlive his friends (Except for Lloyd, maybe. He'll live a reeeeally long time if Wu/Garmy are any indication), but she is not as experienced with emotions as he is.

Especially if either of them is emotionally drained (like after a big battle or something), they try to sleep (their version of sleeping anyway), but the other usually ends up coming to their room and they spend the rest of the night telling them why they're so special and that they aren't just numbers. That's how they're usually found by another member of the Bounty in the morning.

Zane is a cuddler when he sleeps, btw. Pix doesn't mind at all. She uses the physical touch to reassure herself that she's real and he's real and they're alright, they're both here and real.


* Me: Zane is a cuddler when he sleeps, but only if he can be the big spoon. He loves to have one leg sandwiched between Pixal's and one below, with his hands clasped around her stomach. He'll scrunch a little bit so he can put his head either in the crook of her neck or put his chin on her head. (He's a tall boi, he gotta scrunch so he can be smol like her)
If he's turned away (rare), he'll curl up on himself and keep his arms close to his chest, over his heart usually.

User E: Pixal would definitely be a cuddler, she's been alone too much. Or she likes cuddling but she's used to sleeping alone.

Me: Yeah for sure! I'd like to think that since Zane is the only one she likes to sleep with (JUST sleep—they're too innocent for anything else, let's be honest), she's now used to how HE sleeps. Which is cuddlesssss! They're not as cuddly in public as Jaya, but in private they're DEF the most! Zane slowly warms up to the idea (at the beginning) of asking her if she would be alright with him sitting with her while she tries to go back to sleep (such as after a nightmare).

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