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*** I had fun writing this chapter. I hope you have fun reading it. All comments, suggestions and votes are welcome.  ;-))

Try guessing the end of this chapter if u can ! Lol !  =)

                                  CHAPTER 16:-


          “Where? I can’t see them!” said Jason, straining his eyes.

          “They are out there,” replied Richard. “Tell the captain to shut down the engines and put out all the lights. Total blackout,” he told Oliver.

          The latter hurried to the engine room. Richard began to marshal the men on the deck and send them down-stairs. He told me to go with them as well. I wanted to stay back and fight, but Jason reassured me that the three vampires had the situation under control. We moved into the afterdeck and gathered in the centre, away from the walls. It was pitch black as the tiny lights at the base of the walls, which had afforded the only light in the dim cabin, had been turned off.

          The engines powered down and the hovercraft descended on the churning waves, its floats being deployed to keep it afloat. The hatch was closed above our heads by Jessica. The last vision I saw before the metal door slammed tight was that of stunning Jessica, her hair fluttering in the breeze and her intense eyes locked upon mine.

          We mortals waited with bated breath, some of us even breathing as slow as their body allowed physiologically. Nobody moved a muscle, though the weapons we had snatched from the shelves were locked and loaded to fire at the first sign of a fanged monster.

          The minutes ticked by as slowly as possible, heightening our trepidation. I remembered for no reason whatsoever, by a ridiculous idiosyncrasy of my mind, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. We were sitting in a potentially hazardous place on an unlit stove that could be lit any bloody moment, so to speak. And time was almost at a standstill.  

          The first sounds other than the lapping and slapping of the waves against the craft were a couple of faint thuds above our heads. I could sense the company around me stiffen in unison, though nobody uttered a single syllable. A trickle of sweat ran down my forehead and wetted my left eyelash. I had an overwhelming urge to wipe it off, but refrained as I didn’t know who I’d hit inadvertently if I lifted my hand. The tension was really getting to me, and my latent claustrophobia seemed to kick in.

           I was positioned just below the hatch. Stepping up as gently as I could, I reached up to the hatch and slowly twisted the turn-bar, lifting up the hatch as silently as was possible. Somebody tugged at my jeans urgently, while I heard a mortified feminine gasp from somewhere in the group.

           Peering out through the small gap between the hatch and its frame, I spied two lanky vampires on the portside deck, dripping water. There were expanding puddles of water at their feet on the floorboards for they hadn’t moved at all since they arrived. With one hand on the assault rifles slung behind their backs, they were sniffing the air.

          Two more soft thuds and two more vampires materialized on the deck. One of them was decked as a ninja, sans the customary mask, his beady eyes doing a quick check of his surroundings. A samurai sword dangled by his side, almost carelessly, as he moved along the starboard railing fingering the mounted guns.