If Countryhumans Was Historically Accurate...

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This isn't everything but Yee-

-Confederate would only be 5-years-old when they died

-Third Reich would only be 12 when they shot themself

-USSR would've died at the prime age of 69 (hehe n i c e)

-North and South Korea would've been babies during the Cold War and would still be fairly young now

-Russia wouldn't actually be USSRs son (and neither would any of the other countries under the soviet rule)

-USSR would actually not care about his "children" and treat them poorly

-America and Mexico would most likely be siblings. (basing off of Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, etc)

-France was a N@z! during WW2 (Vichy France)

-Israel wouldn't be all cute and fluffy. They would be tough and have weapons on them (I'm speaking the truth here)

-Philippines would most likely gr**m minors on the internet because of their low consent age

-Many of the interactions that we see in countryhumans books wouldn't be possible due to the amount of conflict that happens between the countries

-Many countries would not enjoy being in the others company and wouldn't be able to date because we make most of them male and around 70 of them are homophobic

-North Korea would be extremely rude to everyone, not very connected to the outside world, very strict, very military oriented, and basically act like they are in a prison. (Based on what it's actually like in NK)

-The number of times the French Empire and British Empire fight would have a big drain on the friendship of the two, whoever they are still friends after they made their pact and put away their differences

-France wouldn't be America's parent. They would just be close friends during the Revolutionary War and they would have a bit of a falling out during the French Revolution because America never kept their promise to help.


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