Replacement park

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The Tardis shakes while flying through the time vortex. The Doctor and Clementine hold on to the console. The Doctor flick a few switches and a sparkle appear, then the Doctor turn on the handbrake and the Tardis stops shaking. Both the Doctor and Clementine slowly release their grip from the console. AJ mumbles

Doctor:"Sorry about that. Usually doesn't happen quiet often."The Doctor flick a few switches then turn toward the wall monitor."Oh, that makes perfect sense."

Clementine:"What is it?"

Clementine look at the monitor but couldn't understand it.

Doctor:"The Tardis got extremely excited. Whenever that happens, well, that happens. Anyways,"The Doctor turns off the monitor."back to our destination"

Clementine:"But I didn't say anything."

Doctor:"I know, just waiting until you make a decision. So what do you want to see? What time period you want to visit?"

Clementine:"I...Uh... I don't know. Got any suggestions?"

Doctor:"How about the frozen-Wait, no. How about- No... Oh, maybe- No. I'm stuck as well. That's new."

Clementine:"Maybe we could visit a place you've gone before."

Doctor:"A place I've been before. Okay, but one problem. I've been in loads of planets, time periods, and universe. So it's hard to point pin which place to... Wait, you're a kid."


Doctor:"And as a kid, you usually go to the funniest place on Earth. Like Legoland, Disney World, Water Park, fairs."

Clementine:"Sounds like you got a place in mind."

Doctor:"You bet I do."

The Doctor start setting the coordinates.

Moments later

The Tardis materialize. The Doctor open the door and lean out.

Doctor:"Oh, good."The Doctor exit the Tardis."Got the date right."

Clementine exit the Tardis and see aliens walking around, stars in the sky, carnival games, and huge rides.


Doctor:"Impressive, right?"

Clementine:"Yeah. Where, or when, are we?"

Doctor:"Hedgewick's world of wonder. Million of years from your time."


They start walking.

Doctor:"Welcome to your first official alien planet."


Doctor:"This theme park is the whole planet."

Clementine:"You're kidding."

Doctor:"I am not."

AJ mumbles as he reach toward the sky.

Clementine:"What did he say?"

Doctor:"He's just wondering why he can't reach those 'shiny things'. Babies, always ready to start reaching the impossible. Now, come on, let's try a few rides."

Clementine:"What about AJ?"

Doctor:"Don't worry, there are rides that the three of us can ride us. If there aren't some, let's take turns watching over him while the other one rides the big on."

The Doctor grab Clementine's hand and run toward a random direction.

Few hours later

Clementine rush toward a trash can and leans on it as she heavily breath. The Doctor, holding AJ, follow Clementine.

Doctor:"Hey, are you okay?"


Doctor:"Do you feel like throwing up?"


Clementine gags. The Doctor looks around and spot something.

Doctor:"Hold in there. I'll be back."The Doctor handed AJ to Clementine and walk away. Clementine put AJ on her back then looks down at the can. The Doctor comes back with a drink in her hand."This should make you feel better."

Clementine:"What is it?"


Clementine grab it, chug it down, and sigh in relief.


Clementine burps.

Doctor:"No problem."Clementine throw the empty soda bottle into the trash."Now, come on. I think we can catch th-"

Clementine:"Hold on a minute. Do you always do this?"

Doctor:"Do what?"

Clementine:"Rush into things without taking a break."

Doctor:"Often, yeah."

Clementine:"And your friends just let you do that?"

Doctor:"Yeah. Well, some do complain about it, but they get used to the whole thing."


Doctor:"Yeah. How about we wonder for a bit and then play the other games?"

Clementine:"Yeah, okay."

They start walking.

Doctor:"Maybe we can try more of the free simples."

Clementine bump into a red skin man and stop walking.

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