🌞Chapter 43🌻

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The mosque was ancient.

Only the royal family of Madina, high ranking officials, and the royalty invited from other Ridwan Emirates were allowed to enter. The marriage ceremony began with solemnity and beauty.

A red carpet threaded its way between the rows of attendees up to the dais. Gulf followed it at Mew's side.

Light from the sun streamed in through the exquisite staired glass windows in somber, unearthly patterns and Gulf was caught in a fresh wave of fear. Deceiving an entire congregation in a holy place struck him as a dangerous thing to do.

Marble pillars, each five-meters in diameter, supported the high domed ceiling over a sea of blue tile. Gentle music made the place seem even more etheral.

The mufti, the mosque's religious leader, began reading out an entry from the Koran about marriage. The attendants repeated after him, seeking the agreement of the bride and groom to the marriage.

Mew spoke his words of consent and Gulf imitated him in a low voice.

Mew exuded majesty. He would make a remarkable king. If only Gulf hadn't come into his life, God would have blessed him as the perfect king.

Gulf knew he would be punished. He was blashpeming against God. He fought down the urge to unmask himself right there, in the middle of the marriage ceremony.

They moved on to the coronation.

The mufti placed a crown over Mew's brow and a cheer burst out of the audience like a collective sigh of relief. The mufti then placed a crown on Gulf.

They were led to a pair of thrones and sat down together.

This was the moment of new king's birth.

A feeling of rejuvenation swelled up inside the mosque. Everything was reborn on that day, at that moment. It was the beginning of a new history in Madina.

Everyone's eyes followed the new king, and they forgot even to breath.

In the rippling stillness, Mew quietly stood up.

"With all my heart, I thank you, as Madina'a new king," he announced.

His eyes swept over the audience as he voiced his solemn thanks. They watched him hungrily, holding their breath, wondering what this new king would bring them.

Mew drew out his words. "I will now perform my first act as king. As all of you are aware, there are certain rights exclusive to the king. One of those is the right of abdication---the ability to decide for myself when I will give up the throne."

There was a disturbance in the air. No one spoke aloud, but a murmur was spreading through the audience. Gulf was as confused as they were. He had no idea what was Mew was doing. The only person here who knew what was going on was Mew.

The man's imperious voice rang out throughout the mosque. "I hereby declare my abdication. There is one reason only: there is a man better fit to be Madina's king than I."

Gulf wanted to call out to Mew, but his voice was stuck in his throat. All he could do was search the resolute face he saw before him. There wasn't so much as a flicker of doubt in the man's eyes as he faced the audience.

"AA Pattarabut!"

Sittng in the front row, AA's eyes sprung open. He wasn't the only one surprised. Everyone there found it impossible to believe what was happening.

No questions or arguments came forward. Not a single voice was audible. The room was as silent as a tomb. That was how shocking this announcement had been.

Mew stepped down from the throne, leaving his crown resting its cushioned seat. A look told Gulf to do the same. Without being fully aware of what he was doing or why, he removed the crown from his own head.

Mew stretched his hands out to him. "Come...my faridat."

Gulf's eyes widened at the name.


"Give me your hand," Mew said.

He didn't need to be asked twice. Gulf set his trembling hand atop Mew's, and a heartwarming smile came over the other man's face. He squeezed Gulf hand tightly in his own. Together, they crossed back over the red carpet with a dignified steps.

No one tried to stop them. Everyone simply watched them go by in a daze.


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