🌻Chapter 30

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They began the preparation immediately. Aisha dressed him in maid's clothes and put a thin layer of make up on his face. He didn't look like a man, but he didn't look much like a woman either. But if they didn't act with confidence, their plan would never work.

The old woman took him to Yaya's room. He'd heard that she was going home for a week, but there were more bags outside her room than he could imagine using in a month.

He mingled with the large group of maids waiting for Yaya. None of the women paid him attention, either because he was with Aisha or because they simply took him for a new maid.

At last, Yaya appeared and headed toward the entrance of the women's quarters. Her maids trailed after her, carrying the bags.

There seemed to be ranks among the women, according to their birth or the amount of trust Yaya placed in them. The maid walking beside her wasn't carrying any bags at all. Yaya called her Leila. It was her job to pass their lady's orders on to the other women.

They packed the bags into a limousine and two attendants got in with Yaya---one was Leila. The other was Gulf.

Aisha and the other women staying behind at the palace stood in the driveway as the limousine slowly pulled away.

It would take about an hour to get to Yaya's house.

Gulf was paralyzed by anxiety. He couldn't even focus on looking at the beautiful city of Madina to pass the time.

They passed through the gate on Yaya's family estate and drove slowly through the front garden. A fountain gurgled in the center of a path paved with stone blocks, and date palms were planted on either side. The estate was well-appointed, as befitted the royal family.

They went into the house walking past 10 maids, who stood lined up in front of the house to greet Yaya. Inside, Gulf marveled at the high ceiling curving over the staircase and the Arabian luxury of the walls. And although the furniture was flamboyant, it still looked dignified.

An elderly maid came forward.

"Welcome home, my lady," she said.

"Thank you, Sari." Yaya smiled at her happily. "Is my father out?"

"Yes, he's gone to a reception for tomorrow's races."

"Busy as always!"

The women of the house brought in her bags. She went to the living room with her two attendants, Gulf and Leila. It was a spacious room with a high ceiling.

"Lord AA is waiting in the drawing room," Sari said, startling Gulf. Yaya must have contacted him before leaving the palace.

"You there," Yaya commanded Gulf, "go explain Mew's business for me."

Gulf made a respectful gesture and followed a maid into the room where AA waited.

AA was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigar, dressed in a white thwab. Reclining on a cushion decorated with Arabian embroidery, he smiled as Gulf entered and stood up.

"I'm honored that you contacted me." AA took Gulf's right hand and looking in his eyes, he kissed the back of the hand. "This abaya goes well with your skin. But I could give you even nicer things than this."

It was just like at the brothel---Gulf wasn't sure how much of what AA said was serious and how much was a joke. In any case, he saw a little need to hide his identity. He took off his hijab.

"I've come to ask for your help, AA," he said without further ado. "You did say you would help me if I was in trouble, didn't you?"

AA spread his hands wide, nodding. "Did you get tired of Mew? If you're looking for someone new I'm always available."

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