🌻Chapter 33

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If Gulf wanted AA's help, he could stay with AA. And if he wanted to go back to Thailand, he could go back. Gulf could practically hear Mew's voice telling him these things.

What a disappointing conclusion.

It was the result he thought he wanted, but when it actually came to pass, he was too shocked for words. He knew that he shouldn't be hurt, but the pain in his heart was real.

AA came up to Gulf, still staring, unmoving at the door Mew had disappeared through. Pressing his fingers against his temple, AA let out a sigh. "It's done."

He had said that as if he expected Gulf to be happy, and so Gulf tried to answer with a smile, but his cheeks only twitched. He didn't understand it himself. He should have been glad that his wish was finally granted.

"Let's go to my house," AA suggested. "You can't stay dressed as a maid forever."

"Thank you...you've done so much for me." Gulf said the words mechanically, his mouth making the motions of politeness. All he could see was Mew's back.

It was done, just like AA had said. Mew would never cling to Gulf again. There were probably wouldn't even be a chance to see each other again. Nothing held them together anymore.

"Don't mention it. I'm making myself your ally by doing this." AA gave a slight smile. It made Gulf think there were certain kinds of offering and sorrow that only the royal family had access to.

But Gulf had his hands full right now just managing his own feelings; he didn't have the energy to worry about AA's too.

"I already gave Leila the orders." AA continued. "You're in no condition to see the other maids, so we'll pretend you went back early. Shall we go?"

They left Yaya's house and headed for AA's. AA told him it would take an hour by car to get there.

It seemed like so long ago that he had woken up in the oasis of the Saria palace, but it hadn't really been that long at all. So much had happened, but nothing had changed. Gulf had been alone before being reunited with Mew, and now he was alone again.

"You won't need to dress like a woman in my house. Of course, if you want feel free. I'm the only one who lives there, so don't restrain yourself on my account."

AA's suggestion was a welcome one. The man was probably going to make sure that Gulf didn't get depressed. But Gulf was far too exhausted to thank him properly. He could only look at him gratefully.

"You're not married?" Gulf asked.

He knew nothing about AA, aside from the fact that he was Mew and Yaya's cousin, and second in line for the throne. He didn't even know how old AA was.

"My younger brother is married and he's already given the family its grandchildren, so my parents have mostly given up on me. Sooner or later I'll probably give up the fight, but for now, I'm enjoying my bachelorhood too much."

"I see..."

If only Mew had brothers, his position would have been different. If he weren't in line for the throne...Gulf mentally kicked himself for wasting his time with these fantasies. There wasn't much point in avoiding the reality anymore. Mew would be married in two weeks and will be the king. But he couldn't help fantasizing a little.

AA's house was on the outskirts of Madina.

The grounds were amazing. It was near the desert, with a view of the horizon. There were no tourists there like those in the center of the city, but it was close to a market so the environment was still full of energy.

Gulf had noticed that the gardens in Madina used water and greenery as their main elements, and AA's home was no exception.

The car pulled to a stop on the driveway. AA and Gulf got out and a garage door swung open. It was obviously a garage, but it was very different from any Gulf had seen before---there were more than 20-luxury cars inside. He felt as if he was at a car show. Apparently, AA was a car enthusiast. And since he was single, everything was his to do with as he pleased.

They entered the house directly from the garage. There was a foyer on the other side of the automatic doors, and an elevator that ran up to the second floor. They went into the living room, and Gulf was blinded by its extravagance. Sofas were lined up one after another, all of the cushions were silk interwoven with threads of gold. They took a spiral staircase at the back up to the second floor, passing countless doors as they walked down the hall.

"Use whatever room you want," AA offered. "You're welcome to come to my room too."

He winked and Gulf gave a pained smile.

"Thank you. Here is fine."

He pointed to a door that looked promising. When AA opened the door, he saw a comfortable-looking room that far surpassed what he'd had in Saria.

"The bedroom is next door," AA said.

"Thank you so much. This is..." Gulf trailed off.

AA squinted sardonically at him. "It's a little early to be thanking me. You're going to regret giving up Mew."

"It's a little late for that," Gulf said softly.

He had plenty of regrets already, and they would probably never go away. But he would have regretted accepting Mew's rule too. He didn't know which was better. He probably wouldn't know for a long time.


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