Chapter 19: now a secret

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The last night of the cruise and Amy was drunk when they came in the room. Zayn sat on the sofa to just watch while Amy went to the closet to change her clothes. When she got out she was wearing a shirt of zayn and a really short pants. She got out the closet and went to zayn to seat on Zayn's lap. She was drunk that time and zayn was drunk as well but he has the strength not to do it with her.

Amy: zayn...

Zayn: (looked at her)

Amy: (sat on his laps)

Zayn: what up

Amy: (playing with his hair)

Zayn: (placed his hand on Amy's leg)

Amy: (leaned to zayn and she closed her eyes then she slept)

Zayn: Amy?

Amy: ------------

Zayn: (stood up to carry her)

Amy: (she spoke while sleeping) I love you

Zayn: (while carrying) I love you too (kissed her forehead)

The cruise is over and Amy, zayn and his family went back to London.


Harry is waiting for Amy

Few minutes later

Harry: Amy! Amy! (ran to Amy)

Amy: hey...

Harry: I missed you

Amy: me... Me too

Harry: I'll carry that

Amy: thanks

Amy got to her place and Harry went back to his place. Amy was alone in the house when Niall came.

Niall: hey

Amy: Niall come in...

Niall: thanks...

Amy: want some snacks?

Niall: what do you have?

Amy: I have chips...

Niall: sure

They went to the kitchen

Amy: (getting the chips and dip)

Niall: I know your secret

Amy: (stopped and looked at Niall) what secret?

Niall: you know what it is.

Amy: I don't know why don't you tell me

Niall: you and zayn

Amy: what? Who told you?

Niall: (placed his phone on the table. There is a picture of zayn and Amy in the cruise when zayn kissed Amy on the forehead)

Amy: (took the phone to look at it)

Niall: so you want to explain

Amy: where did you got this?

Niall: my friend, he texted me this

Amy: I can explain

Niall: go

Amy explained and after explaining Amy cried and Niall hugged him he new the story from the begging. Meanwhile zayn came in the house to surprise her but he was surprised when he saw Niall.

Zayn: Amy...

Amy: ----

Zayn: oh. ( he saw Niall)

Amy: niall knew

Zayn: what?

Niall: you have to tell this to Harry

Amy: I will...

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