Chapter Thirteen

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Elliot Jones knew it was time to reveal himself.....

Silas and the others were in the midst of packing. Tomorrow they would leave the town and disappear into thin air as if they never existed. The sooner they left this place, the better he would feel about Ebony's safety. The doorbell suddenly rung causing him to jump. No one had ever used the doorbell. People didn't just walk up to visit, at least not on his side of the mansion. It could have been one of Ebony's friends that had gotten confused about where she lived, but he wasn't willing to take the risk now that Ebony had been discovered. He took out his gun and opened the door, prepared to shoot anyone that looked suspicious. He knew it was stupid to think that an enemy would dare come to his home and ring his doorbell, but the paranoia had set and it wasn't leaving anytime soon. Someone had alerted them about Ebony, it could have been anyone in town.

An old man standing in the doorway stared at the gun pointed at him and smiled. "Hello, Silas."

Silas face turned white. He nearly dropped his gun.

"Careful with that," the old man said. "Don't want you shooting me by accident before I can carry out my duty."

"Henry?" Silas asked hoarsely and stumbled back a step. Before him was the spitting image of a man who looked exactly like Henry Jones, his mentor and Ebony's grandfather.

"Don't worry I am not Henry's ghost. I understand I must have given you quite a shock at seeing me. I am Henry's twin brother, Elliot, his only living relative."

"What?" Silas could barely speak. "He never told me he had a twin brother."

"No, I'm sure he didn't. He never told anyone about me and even if someone saw me they would think I was him. I suppose you could say, I was his best kept secret. May I come in and sit down? My knees are not that good and standing longer than five minutes starts my arthritis..."

Silas still didn't trust the old man. He lifted his gun again and pointed at him. "I don't know you, I don't care how much you look like Henry or that you're his twin brother. How do you I know you're not a spy? It's strange that you appear as soon as Ebony is discovered."

"You're right young man in everything you've said. You don't know me, but I know you, you have seen me before on separate occasions without my brother around, I'm sure you thought I was him. I was there when he was training you so long ago. And you're right, I am a spy, but only for my brother. He gave me the duty of watching over you and Ebony and I have for a very long time. I have watched Ebony grow from a child to a beautiful young woman, but I was told not to reveal myself to her until the time was right. Ebony is in danger, she has been discovered by your enemies and she will never be completely safe again. I believe the time is right. Now please, may I come in and sit down?"

Silas moved away to let him in but still held the gun to his head. The others must have been listening, they heard the doorbell ring too. They flocked into the room with guns also, all holding it to the old man's head.

He looked around at the men with their weapons drawn and frowned. "I came all this way to save our precious Ebony's life and this is the welcoming I get in return? Put your guns away, you look ridiculous ganging up on a feeble old man like me. What kind of men are you?"

"Killers..." Dakota said standing behind the old man's chair causing him to jump out of fright.

Silas turned to Rex. "Check him for wires, bombs, anything that might look suspicious."

Rex grabbed Elliot and searched him.

"Get your hands off of me this instance, I will not be man handled by the likes of you!"

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