Chapter Four

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Ebony stared upside Silas head as he drove her and the rest of the crew to her new home. She wondered if he could feel the tension from her end, he sure didn't seem to act as if he noticed anything wrong or maybe he was pretending not to. For as long as he'd known her, she'd been miss chatty, but today, she'd barely said two words to him. She was grateful the others had come along; they gave her an excuse not to talk to Silas.

Silas tried to ignore Ebony glaring at him. He admitted that he had come on a little strong in expressing his feelings for her, but it was the truth and with the work he did, he was a man that valued the truth...despite lying to her. He sighed. The woman had him all messed up inside. His world had changed the moment he saw her lying in the hospital bed unconscious, fragile, alone.

He knew it wasn't love that he felt for her, he wasn't that stupid, after all, he wasn't sure a person like him could "love" anyone, but he did want her, he did feel a strong need to protect her, to care for her as her grandfather had requested of him. But now, she needed to know that things had changed, she needed to know he wasn't doing any of this for her grandfather anymore, it was for his own selfish needs. And he didn't know any other way to address the issue except the only way he knew how. He wasn't good at being careful with his words when he really wanted something; he was blunt and harsh.

He watched her turn to look at the house when he stopped in front of it. He heard her gasp of excitement and before he could stop her, she opened the door and jumped out.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" She jumped up and down in excitement in front of the place as he and the others got out. "This house belongs to me?! It's all mine?! It's so big!"

He heard a few of his men chuckling behind him and glanced at them, they all had smiles on their faces, that was a first...

"Yes, it is all yours," Fabian spoke before Silas could answer. He glared at him for stealing his moment. He would have to pay special attention to the French man when it came to Ebony. The man always did have a soft spot for Black women after dating a certain one he'd met in college that he'd never gotten over.

He walked up to Ebony who was now smiling at him instead of glaring a hole in his head. He liked her smile much better, when she smiled at him like this, her entire face lit up and so did his world. His heart skipped a beat as he realized he would do anything for her to get her to smile at him like that again. As soon as he unlocked the door, she nearly knocked him over running into the house. He could hear his men laughing.

Ebony had never been so excited in her life. This was one of the best things to happen to her since she was adopted by her family. She couldn't believe she actually had her own house, and it was a beautiful house. It was already decorated with furniture she loved in a traditional style. The living room was huge and opened into the kitchen and dining room. There were four bedrooms which Silas told her she could turn them into other rooms if she needed extra space for her hobbies and two full bathrooms. The backyard was huge and filled with trees and had plenty of space to plant a garden.

To Silas the house was simple, not much to make a fuss about, just a starter house until he could get something better for her. He had been in a hurry when he picked it out and it was the only one available at the time, but Ebony acted as if he'd given her the world. She grabbed him and hugged him tightly in front of his men, something they weren't used to seeing.

They watched as Silas patted her back awkwardly, not use to showing such public display of affection in front of his men, he had an image to uphold after all.

"I do believe he's blushing," Fabian pointed out slyly.

Rex started to laugh but quickly stopped when Silas shot him a death look.

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