Chapter Eleven

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Silas stared at his left eye in the mirror. The swelling had gone down, but it was still purple. For a week Ebony hadn't spoken a word to him, neither had she slept with him. It was cruel really, to let him get lost in her sweetness just to have it taken from him. Then again, he supposed he deserved her wrath. Perhaps, he'd gone a little overboard bulldozing her house.

His men seemed to be on Ebony's side. None asked what happened, they already knew. They would look at him as if nothing was out of the ordinary while he issued out orders, then as soon as he turned his back, he would hear the annoying snickering. He'd turn back around and they would have a serious expression. He never knew they could be so childish.

Silas really didn't care what they thought, it was Ebony he was obsessed with. She hadn't spoken to him since the day she'd socked him. He could still feel the pain, the shock. Her fist had come out of nowhere and nearly blinded him. He observed his eye and then chuckled softly and shook his head. She was definitely a fiery one and he wouldn't have her any other way. He'd gone over the limits with her, crossed a border that shouldn't have been crossed. If he could take it back, he could, but the damage was done, and now she wasn't speaking to him and it was killing him.

She'd moved into one of the rooms as far from him as possible and had claimed it as her own. Unfortunately, the room had been Dominic's. He wasn't too happy about getting kicked out of his own room so suddenly. After all, his was the biggest, most luxurious room in the mansion and when Ebony invaded it, he started yelling at her as she threw his stuff out. Ebony had given him one hard look and he'd stopped and walked away mumbling.

Silas shook his head. The control she had over his men was a miracle. She practically took over the mansion and they let her roam around and do as she pleased. He supposed they felt sorry for her after what he'd done. Hell, he felt sorry for her after what he'd done. He had tried to make it up to her.

First, by showing up with a huge bouquet of ridiculously expensive red roses, which she took only to beat him over the head with and slam the door. He remembered standing there with rose petals sticking to his hair, rose petals scattered over the floor, and listening to his men snickering as they watched him from a distance. He ignored them and stomped away.

Secondly, he appeared at her door with diamonds accessories: ear rings, bracelets, necklaces. Every woman liked expensive jewelry didn't they? She took them from him, slammed the door and never said a word to him.

Third, he stood at the door with a puppy. When she cracked it, he slowly put the dog down and let it wander in her room. Within seconds he heard a cat's loud growling, the dog yipping painfully and stuff getting knocked over. The door opened and the poor little poodle ran out covered in scratches and blood. Needless to say Silas quickly returned the dog for it's own safety.

Every time Silas marched to Ebony's room carrying gifts, his men would follow him to watch. Even though he threatened them to stop, they refused. His humiliation was their entertainment. Whatever he gave her, she would take it and beat him over the head with it or throw it back at him or both. By the end of the week, he'd run out of ideas.

It was Nikolas who caught him lying on the living room couch face down groaning in misery. "May I asked what is wrong?" he asked standing beside Silas with his hands behind his back.

"I'm dying here," Silas groaned.

"Of what may I ask?"

"Blue balls."

Nikolas tried very hard to hold in his laughter as Silas slowly sat up to stare at him suspiciously. "Don't you dare laugh at me or I will shoot you, Nikolas. I have a beautiful, voluptuous woman upstairs that I crave for every damn night that I cannot touch or speak to. I can only look at her as she walks past me and if I even try to get near her, she gives me this look...this look that tells me I'm to fear for my life if I get too close. This is maddening! How the fuck do I fix this?"

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