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BOLD & ITALIC: What they're saying in the video
BOLD: What's in the video
NORMAL: What's happening in the theater

"Here we go."


Vanya looking out the window of a taxi.


The family photo, the six siblings present changes into another family photo, only five siblings present, looking older.

Five flinched, thinking about all the years he spent alone, away from his family. The other siblings looked sad. They never got to see their brother grow up, and had to grow up without him. 


Vanya and Pogo are talking, looking at Five's portrait.

Vanya: "How long has it been since Five disappeared?"

"Long time." Klaus mumbled.

Pogo: "It's been 16 years, 4 months and 14 days."

Five sighted to himself. He wished it hadn't been longer than that.

Vanya: "You wanna know something stupid? I always used to leave the lights on for him."

"Aw that's cute," Klaus beamed at Vanya and Five, who was smiling softly at Vanya. Vanya was just blushing madly.


Vanya entering their apartment, going to turn on the light when Five, turns on a lamp. Vanya stumbles back startled.

Vanya: "Jesus!"

"So you still do that," Diego mutters to him, irritation in his voice, but the siblings knew him well enough to hear the fondness in his voice.


Vanya is sitting in the middle of a corn field. Five approached them with a smile.

Five: "Hi Vanya."

Luther frowns, "What the hell are you doing in a corn field?" Everyone was used to ignoring him at this point.


Vanya goes to their bedroom, and Five looks at their retreating back.


Five laying on the ground.

"I love laying on the ground!"


Vanya falling on the ground.

"Oof" Klaus whimpers.


Five still laying down, breathing rapidly, someone standing on his side.

Five sucks in a breath. He knew those fashionable expensive shoes anywhere.


Vanya laying on the ground after falling.


Five still laying on the ground, and this time blood is visible underneath him. He exhales the cold air.

Everyone looks at Five worried, who in return rolls his eyes at them.


The Umbrella Academy watches... Vanya (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now