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Narrator - Okay here goes chapter 20 .

Marinette POV

She doesn't know SHE DOESN'T KNOW I couldn't even imagine what she's been though but I don't want to experience it. I didn't know what I would do this is the 4th time this week that I feel like I am weak and useless without a reason. Everything around me is depressing me more and more and I just can't take it and before I knew it the whole area was flooded.

Reinette - This is what you need to control your emotions cause in a flick you can change something.

Marinette - I'm so sorry.

Reinette - It's okay your still getting used to your powers give me a sec I'll clean this up.


she chanted the exact words and some how how all the water evaporated.

Marinette - How did you do that.

Reinette - Wait your family didn't tell you.

Marinette - Tell me what?.

Narrator - Okay Okay 2 cliff hangers in a row but it's not that I'm out of ideas it's just that I LOVE CLIFF HANGERS LOL anyways bye GN or GM or good afternoon.

Princess Marinette of AsiaWhere stories live. Discover now