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Narrator - Hello! This is @The_Normal_Cat! I will be your host for this chapter so sit back and relax while I continue on from the last chapter.

Marinette POV

"Hey Alya!" I say, once she gets here.

"Hey Girl!" Alya responds, "Anyway, what are you waiting for!? Get in there and get your makeup done already! You don't have to wait for me you know!" She yells enthusiastically while pushing me through the doorway.

"WHOA!" I yell, "Be careful! Why do you seem way more excited about this than me?" I ask.

"Why? WHY!? Because my bestie is going to be crowned Queen soon! Also, I just had a bunch of sugar because the chefs made me try all the deserts, so I might have a sugar rush." Alya says excitedly

"Oh Alya," I sigh, "Only you. Now come, we shall get ready together!"

----Time Skip because Author is too lazy to write------

Once, we were ready, I decided to go and try to get used to my new powers.

"Corina Valentine?" I called out.

"Yes?" I hear a voice behind me.

"Ahhhh!" I shout in alarm before I realise it's her. "Geez, you scared me!"

"Sorry. Anyways, I'm guessing you're going to want to learn about all your powers and what they do?" Corina presumed.

"Yes. Could you?" I ask.

"Sure, okay. So, your powers along with mine, are connected to the Earth. I know, it sounds weird, but it's true. Just how you need your miraculous-and yes, I know what that is- to transform, you also must have a connection with the theme of the power to access it." She pauses to take a breath,

" Creation, for example, is one of your powers and will probably be the easiest to master since you have the miraculous of creation. The destruction will probably be a bit harder but with practice, you will soon learn to master the power. I would list all of your powers right here, right now, but that might be a bit boring for you. First, I will teach you the ways of the power of creation."

And so, It began. My training to master my powers had started.

Narrator - And that's it bye peeps

Princess Marinette of AsiaWhere stories live. Discover now