Scrap Chap.2

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Lavender smirked before disappearing, startling Hope who was kicked in her chest before she was sent tumbling across the ground. Lavender was laughing to himself until he raised his arm to block Gohan's kick from behind. Gohan gritted his teeth as he kept attempting to overpowering Lavender while scolding.

"Picking on the weak, you're no better than your brother."

Lavender pushed Gohan's leg away forcing him to regain his balance as he patiently listened with his fist clenched.

"Don't like it? Then how about you do something about it."

Gohan was about to dash forward when suddenly Lavender was struck by an unseen force near his waist. Saliva flew out of his mouth before he was sent sliding away, then Hope reverted to normal size. Gohan looked surprised as Hope scoffed.

"Consider it payback wolfie."

Hope redirected her attention to Gohan who blocked a high kick using his forearm, his eyes traveled to her leg in observation. Hmm, she's pretty weak. I'd say Videl is stronger but how'd she send the other guy flying like that. Hope started throwing a barrage of kicks and punches at Gohan who was able to easily dodge each attack.

Gohan cocked his arm back in preparation to counter attack but Hope shrunk down just before his punch could land. W-What?! Hope fluttered her wings to stay in midair before flying forward landing a gut punch. Gohan's eyes widened when he was struck with a heavy amount of force.

His body was knocked back causing him to slide into a defensive slide while holding his stomach in shock. So that's it! Lavender ran past Gohan who gasped.

"Hey wait!"

Lavender was running with his arms dangling around when he chuckled.

"Hmm, think you can hit me like that and get away with it you stupid human?!"

Lavender threw a feint which made Hope raise her arms to block, leaving her wide open for a kick which booted her up into the air. She flipped backwards shrinking down before flying back down. Hope grabbed one of Lavender's suspender straps in order to spin him around and throw him.

Gohan flipped over Lavender's tumbling body before lunging into a Superman punch which missed due to Hope sliding across his forearm. Hope rolled up to her feet before stomping her foot down abruptly smashing Gohan's arm into the ground. Gohan grunted as he ripped his arm out of the stage while Hope reverted back to normal.

She flipped up into a backflip kick where her heel struck him directly in his chin, knocking him away. Lavender slugged Hope from behind denting her helmet inward as she tumbled across the ground. Gohan grabbed Lavender's arm pulling him into a viscous right hook which smashed him into the stage.

Hope tried to flying kick Gohan who grabbed her ankle and spun around several times, causing her to get dizzy and accidentally shrink. Gohan was off balance due to the sudden change of weight allowing Lavender to sneak up in front of him.

Lavender blew a cloud of purple smoke into Gohan's face staining his skin the same color of the surprise toxin. Gohan forced his eyes shut as he staggered backwards blinded while Lavender was giggling to himself. Hope was flying towards them punching beams of energy during her flight.

Lavender had a devious smile on his face when he flew up into the air causing all the beams to strike Gohan instead. He groaned as he was blasted all over his body before Hope twirl kicked him in his face. Hope looked down at Gohan observing his stained skin.

So that dog has the ability to secrete some type of poison and from the looks of it if I get hit that'd probably be the end of it. If I shrink and the poison hits me then I'm really done, it'll spread much quicker. Lavender created two purple spheres within his hands as he gloated.

"Get it now you foolish human, there's no way you could beat me!"

Hope blasted the ground breaking up some pebbles one which she picked up and tossed up into the air. Lavender stopped smiling out of confusion when suddenly Hope's bracelets rotated changing into a different mode. She uppercutted a blue beam which struck the pebble.

Suddenly the pebble expanded to the size of a boulder which came falling down towards her and Gohan. Lavender laughed.

"Well that'll take care of the boy for sure!"

Hope lied when she shouted.

"N-No what are you doing?! If you through that at me you'll kill m-AHHHH!"

Hope shrunk down right before the boulder pebble collapsed on Gohan who didn't see it coming at all. A massive smokescreen flooded the stage while Lavender continued to levitate over it. What was she rambling on about? Anyway, where'd she fly over to-? Lavender gasped when the boulder started cracking all over, then it bursted into pieces due to a golden beam of aura blasting through the top.

Gohan was yelling very loudly as he was in his Super Saiyan form with floating rocks all around him. Gohan still had his eyes shut as he continued yelling as the poison began moving down his body. His already massive aura flared up even more shinning brightly across the entire stage.

Gohan yelled.

"You monster! How could you?!"

Lavender was confused for a second but he quickly realized why Hope had said what she said. She made it seem like I killed her, that conniving little-! Gohan shouted angrily when he flew up through the smoke making Lavender exclaim.


Gohan punched Lavender clean in his face with a heavy right hook before assaulting his body with a barrage of punches and kicks. Gohan grunted each time he landed his furious blows relentlessly. Ungh! He can't even, ack! See!

Lavender caught one of Gohan's punch then he caught another one, holding both of fist while taking in a deep breath. Lavender blew a cloud of poison directly onto Gohan who coughed before aggressively head butting his foe. Gohan grabbed Lavender's wrists before drop kicking him in his chest.

Lavender groaned when his body crashed into the stage, laying in a small crater while Gohan made his way down. He's insane! Lavender held out both of his hands spraying out a series of purple spheres. Gohan continued down swatting all the ki blast away until he was able to viscously slam his fist into Lavender's face.

The impact created a smokescreen which Lavender flew out of showing a bit of fear, while flying backwards he became desperate. Lavender blew poison onto both of his fists and as soon as he finished, Gohan uppercutted him in his gut. Gohan spun around landing a twirl kick which sent the wolf flying.

The two began trading blows while reappearing all over the places, breaking through sound barriers due to moving so fast. Gohan blocked a barrage of multiple punches and when the time was right he countered with a high kick. Gohan also added a left hook combo which knocked Lavender back some in the air.

Lavender looked insane when he held out his hand blasted a massive poison infused beam at Gohan who held out his hands. He was pushed back but he was able to push against the attack while grunting. All of his visible skin was turning purple but he preserved and continued to fight back against the attack. Lavender appeared to be amazed as Gohan shouted.

"Had that been Videl . . . ARGHHHHHH!"

Gohan screamed as he fired a powerful blue beam which blew away Lavender's attack, causing him to take the full blast instead. Lavender shouted out in defeat as he was consumed by the blast, his smoking body crash landed on the stage. He was revealed to be unconscious while Gohan powered down to base form.

He almost immediately lost consciousness as fell backwards collapsed on the stage while Hope reverted back to normal size between them both.

"And sense they're both done, I win right?"

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