Round 6: Jack the Ripper vs Arya Stark

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Jack The Ripper
Jack (c. 1860 – 1888), formerly known as Jack the Lad during his youth, and widely feared under the alias "Jack the Ripper", was a member of the British Brotherhood of Assassins, active in the Whitechapel district of London. Disillusioned with Jacob Frye's leadership and view of the Creed, Jack decided to overthrow his mentor and tried to seize control of the Brotherhood during the 1880s. Jack successfully usurped control of the Rooks, crippling Frye's influence in the city, and began to recruit new followers to help him enforce his own ruthless outlook of the Assassin's Creed. In 1888, Jack became infamous for a series of gruesome murders of women through Whitechapel; in reality, these women were fellow Assassins disguised as prostitutes who had been attempting to stop his spiral of madness. These murders, in conjunction with Jack's control over London's criminal enterprise, threatened the discreet reputation and very existence of the Assassins in London. He soon fought and defeated his former mentor and subsequently imprisoned him, though Jack was himself eventually defeated and killed by Jacob's sister, Evie, upon her return to London from India.

Arya Stark
Princess Arya Stark is the third child and second daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and his wife, Lady Catelyn Stark. She is the sister of the incumbent Westerosi monarchs, Sansa, Queen in the North, and Brandon, King of the Andals and the First Men. After narrowly escaping the persecution of House Stark by House Lannister, Arya is trained as a Faceless Man at the House of Black and White in Braavos, using her abilities to avenge her family. Upon her return to Westeros, she exacts retribution for the Red Wedding by exterminating the Frey male line. Returning to Winterfell, Arya initially finds herself at odds with Sansa due to the naïvety of her youth and perceived lack of support for their "half-brother", Jon Snow, King in the North. However, their tumultuous relationship is discovered to be the result of Petyr Baelish's manipulation, and the two mend their sisterhood following his execution for his crimes against House Stark. Arya then plays a significant role in the Great War, effectively ending the conflict through her killing of the Night King during the Battle of Winterfell. Afterwards, Arya rides south with Sandor Clegane to kill Cersei Lannister, not intent on returning to Winterfell. She arrives at King's Landing as it is being destroyed by Daenerys Targaryen. Sandor convinces Arya to abandon her quest for vengeance and Arya tries to help the smallfolk survive the destruction of King's Landing, though she fails. Weeks later, following Daenerys's assassination to stop her further destruction, Arya is part of the great council that decides the future of Westeros, during which Arya's younger brother Bran is chosen as king. After bidding farewell to her siblings, Arya decides to leave Westeros and sail west to discover what lies beyond where the maps of the known world end.

Powers and Abilities

Peak-Physical Condition: Due to extensive training, diet regimes and meditative techniques, he has above olympic levels of strength, speed, healing, endurance, longevity & agility. 

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