Death in the Family

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Clementine POV:
It felt like it wasn't even a minute after I got the argument between Maggie and Violet settled. I ran down the road back to the house hearing AJ scream as a gunshot went off. Time almost slowed down as I ran back hoping that AJ wasn't taken away from me. AJ was like a son or little brother to me I couldn't lose him. I wasn't sure if Maggie and Violet were behind me,and at the moment I couldn't care. A small group of walkers were gathered up eating something outside of the house. Tears begin rushing down my face in fear it was AJ they were tearing apart. "AJ!" I yelled out causing the walkers to look up at me. Quickly I ran up to the walkers using my knife to stab one in the head,as Maggie and Vi took out the other two. I looked down fearing it would be AJ's body laying on the ground,but I was wrong. Ruby laid on the ground her stomach torn apart,but she was panting for air as she held on to life. "Ruby I'm sorry," I said kneeling down next to her with tears rushing down my face. "AJ is inside," she said as she took her last breath of air before fading away. "Clem you go inside,and Maggie and I will clean up out here," Violet said kneeling down next to me putting her hand on my shoulder.

Violet POV:
Part of me wanted to break into tears as well,but I had to be strong for Clementine. I helped her up to her feet slowly "I'll be out in a minute," I said looking at Maggie as I took Clem inside. AJ ran up to Clem hugging her tightly as we walked in the house. I knew Clem was twice as scared at almost losing AJ then she was sad about Ruby's death,but I couldn't blame her. The kid meant a lot to Clem she would do anything for him even if it costs her own life. I sighed as I walked back outside to see Maggie looking down at the ground trying to ignore the dead bodies. "Hey you gonna be ok?" I asked walking over to her. "Yeah I've just seen too much death," she said which I could agree with. "Come on we should dig a grave for Ruby," I said flagging her over to a small shed that was behind the house. We never tried going in the shed,but now seemed like a good time. "Alright be ready for whatever comes out," I said quickly opening the door. A bunch of birds flew out of the building causing both of us to flinch. "God damn it!" Maggie yelled out having fell down from the shock. "Shake it off," I said as I entered the shed finding a shovel. "You' know that never really helps," Maggie said chuckling a bit as she stood up. I laughed a bit too exiting the shed closing it behind me. "Let's get this done," she said taking the shovel out of my hand. "I'll dig the hole you go get the body," she said smirking a bit. "Fine," I said with a sigh walking back over to where Ruby's body was. My eyes widened seeing Ruby's body had moved from the spot it last was. "Oh fuck," I said to myself realizing she had turned,and was now roaming around. "Maggie watch out she's gone," I said looking around for any signs. "What?" Maggie asked not being able to hear me properly when suddenly I turned to see infected Ruby behind her. "BEHIND YOU!" I yelled out as Maggie quickly turned to see the now infected body. I watched as Ruby took Maggie down to the ground trying to bite her. "I'm coming," I said running over delivering a punt kick to Ruby's head knocking her off Maggie. I picked up the shovel kicking Ruby down again,and finally I slammed the shovel down on Ruby's head. "Fuck!" I yelled out slamming the shovel down on her head over and over again. Eventually Maggie pulled me away from the body as begin to cry. "God damn it Ruby," I said breaking down after all of this time. "She was to take care of us," I said as Maggie held me back from the shovel. "Hey listen it's gonna be alright," Maggie said hugging me closely. I wrapped my arms around Maggie hugging her back as I cried into her shoulder. "Violet we have to be strong for that little boy inside," she said patting my back a bit. We broke the hug as I wiped away my tears knowing I had to be strong for Clem and AJ. "Listen I'll finish digging,and you just sit back and keep watch," she said as I nodded. I leaned against the wall of the house trying to be strong for everyone as Maggie begin to dig. I'll admit she was probably the strongest out of all of us besides Clem of course.

Clementine POV:
I sat on the couch holding AJ close the fear of losing him still consuming me. "Clem I'm ok you can let go now," he said to which I sighed. "Alright," I said letting him go looking down at the ground. "AJ promise me you'll never get hurt," I said looking at him smiling a small bit. "I promise Clem after all I have to protect you," he said causing me to chuckle a bit. "Thanks kiddo," I said standing up knowing I should help Vi and Maggie. I walked outside seeing Violet lean against the wall as Maggie dug the hole. A small gasp escaped me seeing what had happened to Ruby. "She turned," Violet said simply as she seemed to be upset. "I'm glad you're ok," I said walking over to her. Suddenly she hugged me closely causing my eyes to widen up a bit. "Clem I can't lose anyone else," she said as I hugged her back knowing her pain. "I promise I'll protect everyone," I said as I knew everyone here needed me. We broke the hug finally after what felt like a good eternity. "Maggie let me take over," I said as I walked over to her knowing she shouldn't be the only one to dig. Maggie shook her head reluctant to let me help her out. "Hey we are all in this together," I said as she looked up at me with a sad look on her face. "Sorry it's just I'm so used to being a one person crew," she said handing over the shovel. "Don't worry you don't have to be alone," I said giving her a reassuring smile. It took about thirty minutes before we finally had a good enough hole to put the body in. "Come on let's say a few words," I said flagging everyone over as we put Ruby's body in the grave. "I'll start with saying Ruby was one of the sweetest people I've met since this apocalypse started. When we needed someone to treat AJ's wounds she was on it with no questions asked. When we needed someone to help change the decision of sending me and AJ out to the woods she helped us. I just hope whatever comes after death treats Ruby like the kind soul she was," I said sighing as it hurt to lose someone like her. Everyone else seemed to be at a state of kind which they couldn't think of anything to say.

Violet POV:
"I've known Ruby since this whole shit show of a apocalypse started. Ruby was always kind to me even when I insulted or picked on her her. Without Ruby I don't think many of us would be standing her today. She treated our wounds and stayed by our sides until we were back at our best. I just wish I could see her one more time,and apologize for all the terrible things I said to her," I said a tear running down my face. Clementine nodded as she knew no one else was going to say anything. "I guess we should each throw a shovel full of dirt on like they do at funerals," she said to which we nodded. Slowly we all took turns until we finally had her completely buried. I'll never forget the nice things Ruby said or did. I'm sorry I couldn't be a better person towards you,so long Ruby.

—The End—

A sad chapter.

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