Back on the Road

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Violet POV:
It had probably been a week since Maggie joined up with our group,and already I was up walking again. We aren't really sure what happened with my ankle,but who cares. "Vi you ready to go?" Clem asked standing in the doorway. "Yeah give me a second," I said grabbing my knife from the dresser. "Let's go," I said walking over to Clem knowing today was going to be a good day. "Hey I know you aren't a fan,but Maggie is tagging along with us," Clem said causing my to roll my eyes and sigh. "Why can't it be just us?" I asked looking down at the ground as we walked. "Vi we need all the help we can get," she said as we went down the stairs. "Fine," was all I said hating the fact she was going. Truth is I was still a bit worried Clem might develop feelings for her or something else like that. It was fucking stupid that Maggie had to come with us. We walked out the front door,and first thing I did was sigh when I saw Maggie. "Well hello there Violet," she said chuckling a bit as Clem shook her head. "Violet come on we all need to get along," she said offering to hold my hand. "You're lucky," I said taking her hand smiling a bit.

Clementine POV:
It was really hard trying to get Violet to be friendly with Maggie. I only wanted them to get along better,so supply runs would run a lot smoother. Violet seemed to never be able to resist holding my hand or hugging me anytime I offered,so hopefully if we did she'd be easier to get along with. "Let's go," I said as we begin to walk all knowing this was going to be rough. Recently I could tell both of them seemed to not like each other more and more as the days went on. "I have a idea let's play a road game," I said shrugging a bit. "Who are you now Louis?" Violet asked sarcastically with a roll of the eyes. "Alright the game is truth or dare then," I said remembering that time at the school we played it. "Why don't you ask someone first Maggie," Violet suggested clearly sarcastic. "Hmm Vi truth or dare?" she said smirking clearly knowing what she wanted to happen. "Truth," Vi responded not wanting to play. "Alright why do you hate me?" Maggie asked as she stopped walking. We all were stopped now as Vi turned to look at Maggie. "Violet you don't have to play," I said trying to stop this before it got worse.

Violet POV:
"It's fine Clem," I said stepping closer to Maggie getting in her face. "I don't fucking like you because you suck," I said pushing her back a bit. Maggie just fucking chuckled at what I said as she looked at me. "You don't have to like me,but you won't push me around," she said causing my temper to raise. "What the fuck are you going to do about it?" I asked stepping towards her. "Guys knock it off!" Clem yelled stepping in between the two of us making sure nothing happened. "Screw it both of you go back,and I'll just go by myself," Clem said sighing as she flagged us to leave. "Fuck that only she's leaving," I said pointing at Maggie.

Clementine POV:
"Are you all fucking serious? We are in a world where the dead eat the living,and we are doing dumb shit like this!" I yelled out looking at both of them pissed off now. Both of them looked down clearly me snapping had gotten to both of them. "Let's make this clear I'm not going to babysit you two,so get along," I said with a sigh. Kenny would've been proud of me for that one,even though he probably would've hit someone. "I'm sorry," Maggie said as she looked up at Violet and myself. Violet nodded as she looked up at me "I'm sorry too," she said taking my hand. "Alright let's get going," I said as we begin to walk finally getting that whole fucking mess settled.

Violet POV:
I still hated Maggie cause she's a bitch,but I had to stay on Clem's good side. "Hey where are we even going?" I asked looking down at the ground." Clem just shrugged not sure of where we were going either. "We should probably head back to that small town," Maggie suggested which I'll admit wasn't a bad idea. "We can try ,but I'd say we should stick to the woods around the city to avoid being seen," Clem said as we kept walking. "Wait quick question what did you all see besides the dead last time?" I asked shrugging a bit wanting to know what to expect. "Don't worry just some basic shit," Maggie said shrugging which she was probably right. We kept walking down the road knowing we had to be ready to fight once we entered the city.

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