Leaving Home

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Clementine POV:
My leg was in good enough condition for me to get back out there again. It was going to be a real drag not being with Violet all day,but I couldn't just lay around. AJ asked me to go on a supply run today,so that's what's on the agenda. I slowly walked downstairs after kissing Violet on the head making sure not to wake her. "Clem!" AJ yelled out as he hugged me tightly glad to see me walking again. "Hey kiddo," I said smiling as I patted his back loving how happy he was. "I've packed you some basic materials and a list of things we need," Ruby said handing me my backpack. "Thanks," I said taking the pack and keeping the list in my hand. "AJ listen I need you to stay here," I said kneeling down to be face to face. His eyes widened a bit clearly shocked at the sudden news. "No, I won't let you go alone," he said clearly a bit mad. "I'm going to be gone for a day or two,and Ruby needs all the help she can get making sure this place is safe for Violet while she recovers. I need you to be her helper," I said putting my hand in his shoulder. AJ nodded in agreement leaning in hugging me "Be safe," he said breaking the hug. "Protect Violet for me," I said standing up giving him a reassuring smile.

Violet POV:
I woke up only to be shocked by Clementine not being next to me like always. "Clem?" I asked sitting up looking around the room making sure she wasn't still here. "Ruby!" I yelled out beginning to worry Clem might have just fucking bailed out. Ruby opened the door as she rushed in thinking I was hurt or some crap. "Where is Clem?" I asked clearly showing a face of agitation. "Clementine left a couple of minutes ago to go on a supply run," she said causing me to clench my fist. "Why didn't she say goodbye or some shit?" I asked with a sigh. "Clem didn't want to wake you up," she said just pissing me off even more. "Get out," I said as she walked closer to the bed I felt my temper rising. "Get the fuck out Ruby!" I said sternly pointing at the door. Ruby did exactly as told which kind of calmed me down a bit. Why the fuck wouldn't Clem wake me up to tell me she was leaving? It's bad enough I'm stuck here being useless,but now she is out there all alone.

Clementine POV:
I felt like a total jerk for not telling Violet goodbye,but I know she would overreact. Walking down the road made it feel like the old days before the car or the school. It was strange how recently I didn't want life to go back to the way it was before. What are the chances Violet would stay with someone like me if we had way better looking people running around? I shook my head trying to shake these thoughts that surely weren't going to help me. Looking up I could see a crashed car smacked against a tree maybe it's worth checking out. Slowly I crept up next to the car hoping it was empty,but sadly it wasn't. A walker was stuck in the car surprisingly it was still alive well alive enough for a walker. I sighed knowing the walker wasn't any danger to me I leaned against the car. Suddenly the car alarm went off which shouldn't have happened it was too old to still be active. It was clearly a fucking trap set up by someone else,and my suspicions were confirmed when a arrow went threw the car window next to me. "Fuck," I said to myself going around to the other side of the car ducking down. The alarm was going to attract walkers from all around,so I had no choice. I opened the car door not sure how far away the person shooting at me was. Quickly I stabbed the walker that was in the car,and I turned the key which luckily was in the car shutting off the alarm. I sighed in relief,but was quickly cut off when I head someone right outside the car. "Come on out," the voice of a woman said as I looked up to see her. "Ok just don't shoot," I said getting out the car as she stepped around to my side keeping her bow aimed at me. "You got a name?" she asked as I looked at the girl who was no doubt near me and Violet's age. "Clementine what about you?" I asked noticing she had green eyes and brown hair that came down to her shoulders. "It doesn't matter what my name is," she said getting closer giving me a opportunity. I quickly turned pushing the bow out of her hand the arrow firing right next to my head. All I could do was push her down and take out my knife before she pulled a gun out on me. "My name is Maggie," she said standing up slowly keeping the gun aimed at me. "Listen Maggie just let me go,and I'll be on my way," I said trying to reason with her. "Don't worry perhaps we can travel together," she said lowering their gun giving me a smile. "You know it was impressive how you disarmed me just then," she said causing me to smirk a bit. "I've had practice," I said as she stepped on the road flagging me over. "We should head that way," she said pointing towards the direction I came from. "Trust me nothing there," I said not wanting her to know about Violet or AJ. She pulled a map from out of her back pocket which was better then the map I had with me. "I guess if we head the other way we will reach a small town in a couple of hours," she said shrugging a bit. "Fuck it what have we got to lose," I said with a sigh. Maggie chuckled as she put the map away "I have a feeling we are going to get alone," she said as we begin to walk down the road. I was going to have to see if I could trust her before deciding to tell her about the others.

—The End—

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