One for Another

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Violet POV:
I didn't want to wake Clementine up as this was the happiest she had looked in a while. "Jeez last night really happened," was all I could think to myself as I looked out the window seeing the horde of walkers gone. Memories of what is like not having to watch your back every 5 seconds flooded into my head. "Clementine come on we got to go," I said shaking her arm a bit. If we were getting out of here the best time was now. Clementine slowly opened her eyes and smiled seeing me standing there. "Let's get ready to find AJ," I said walking over to grab my bag. She slowly got out of the bed yawning with a small stretch. "The walkers cleared out,so I figured this was the best time to go," I said taking one last look out of the window. I wasn't sure where we were gonna go or what we were gonna do,but we had to do something.

Clementine POV:
Violet seemed rather eager to go,but someone needed energy to carry us. I got up off the bed and changed back into my clothes. It was crazy that last night actually happened,but thankfully it did. "Alright I have a idea,we should stay close to the school," I said knowing AJ probably would go back. "What are we gonna do about mister gunman out there?" Violet asked to which I just shrugged. "I think we should just stay in the woods using the trees as cover," I suggested. "Alright,but my one condition is after today we branch out from the school," Violet said crossing her arms. I nodded knowing we couldn't keep looking around one area forever. We both headed out the door making sure to keep a close eye out for any straggling walkers. "Hey Violet I just wanted to remind you that I love you," I said smiling as I looked over at her.

Violet POV:
I blushed a bit hearing Clementine say she loves me. "I love you too," I responded wishing I could put it better. We headed into the woods opposite side of the house of which we entered. The woods were always a dangerous place especially when it came to walkers. Skin of the walkers could blend in with the trees as it was all decayed and gross. "I think if AJ isn't at the school we should try for a city," I said knowing it would be a controversial idea. "Cities are way to dangerous for just the two of us," Clementine said which was predictable. "I know,but think about it it may be one of the only place left with supplies," I said shaking my head. Clementine sighed "I'll think about it," she said shaking her head a bit.

Clementine POV:
Violet was crazy thinking that heading into a city was good idea. AJ wouldn't be dumb enough to head into a city or at least I hope not. "Fuck," was all I could say when the school came into our view. It had to be at least one hundred walkers down there,and damn it one of them could be AJ. "Come on let's get out of here," Violet said turning around. I stood there looking at the ground not satisfied until I knew AJ wasn't one of them. "Clementine come on we can't handle all of them," she said grabbing my wrist. "I'm not leaving until I know he isn't in there," I said grabbing the machete. "Clem don't do it," Violet said with concern in her voice as I broke away from her hold. "I have to know," I said as I begin to walk towards the group of walkers. "I'm such a idiot," I thought to myself as a couple noticed me,and begging to slowly walk over. Truth is walkers were becoming less of a danger due to them getting old and weakening. Pushing one of them down I stomped on it's skull as it exploded into several pieces. I used the machete to slash another one of those dead assholes. "CLEM!" a voice yelled out as on top of a car stood AJ jumping in the air. "AJ!" I yelled out as I begin to stab and slash at the dead with a faster speed now.

Violet POV:
All I could do was watch Clementine make here way through the walkers. I wanted to help,but my body wouldn't move out of the one spot. "Damn it Violet move," I thought to myself as I slowly reached for the gun at my side. Suddenly I pulled out the gun fast and fired at a walker that was about to grab Clem from behind. "Damn it," I thought to myself as I ran up next to her giving her a thumbs up. We both begin to slowly thin out the large group of infected the best we could. Shooting from my end had to be precise,and rarely as I didn't have much ammo. The gun suddenly didn't fire as it seemed to have jammed. "Fuck!" I yelled trying to fire it once again,but it didn't work. They were getting closer on my end at this rate it was looking like game over. All I could do was hit the walkers with the gun now,which required them to get a little close for comfort. One reached out to grab me which I didn't notice. I felt myself get thrown back onto the ground out of its way. Clementine stabbed it right in the skull looking down at me as she backed up. "Come on we got to scatter them out," she said helping me back up to my feet. "Clem my gun is jammed," I said as she took it out of my hand and handed me the machete.

Clementine POV:
I wasn't sure why I gave Violet the more useful weapon as we both ran to opposite sides splitting up the horde. Getting to AJ was all that mattered right now. Slowly I picked a rather small hammer off the ground,but it was all I had. A walker reached out to grab me as I hit him with the small hammer. "Fuck," I said to myself as I backed up not expecting so many of these fucking things to still be kicking. The hammer handle got stuck when I hit the next walker in the head. I kicked the corpse back into others knocking them down like dominos. All I had left was just to look around the area for any tools that could help. It was nothing but empty bullet casings on the ground which wasn't very useful. "CLEM! LOOK!" AJ yelled out pointing to what looked to be a riffle on the ground next to the vehicle he was on. Luckily since me and Violet split up the group of walkers they weren't around the vehicle,but unlucky for me I had to get around this bunch to get to it. "Sorry Lee," I said looking up at the sky as I took off my hat putting it in my back pocket. I stumbled back looking down as I almost tripped over a wrench which could be very useful. Quickly I picked up the wrench backing up a fair bit. "I hope Violet is having better luck," I thought to myself as I hit a walker.

Violet POV:
"I hope Clementine is doing better than I am," I thought to myself as I slashed another walker down. It wasn't that I was doing bad in fact I'd say I was going well. It was the speed at which I was killing them could've been better. "Life just keeps throwing trials at us," I said to myself chopping another down. I heard AJ yell out to Clementine earlier which meant she was alive,so that was good. Kicking a walker back caused a decent number to fall back into each other. "Come on you fuckers," I said to myself once again as I chopped down another one. Memories of all the people these dead bastards have taken flushed my head causing me to start losing my temper. "Fuck you!" I yelled chopping another one down kicking it away afterwards. It seemed like I lost consciousness as when I snapped back into it I was covered in more of their blood then before from head to toe. Nothing like that had ever happened before,so let's just say it was a shock.

Clementine POV:
I had managed to make my way through the infected horde not killing them all. Quickly I ran over to AJ grabbing the riffle on the way. "AJ come on," I said offering my hand helping him off the vehicle. He jumped down with my help as the walkers came closer I looked to see how Violet was doing. Surprisingly she had cleared out a lot of them which was impressive. I grabbed AJ's hand and begin to run giving Violet a quick whistle on the way by. I kept running away from the horde with AJ by my side and Violet not too far behind at least I hoped so. Eventually after 10 or so minutes I begin to slow down knowing AJ wouldn't keep pace at this rate. Almost instinctively I knelt down hugging AJ closely never wanting to let him go. Eventually I broke the hug standing up to looking around for Violet. "Violet?" I asked looking all around not seeing her. "VIOLET?" I yelled out once again fearing the worst might have happened. AJ held my hand tightly as he knew Violet could be dead. "Clem go look for her," he said looking up at me with concern. "AJ I can't take you back into that horde or leave you alone again," I said looking down at him. "I'll be fine just go after her," he said seriously worried about her. "Let's just wait here for a while," I said kneeling down to one knee. "Keep calm you can't let AJ see you break down," I thought to myself wanting to scream out. The thought of losing Violet was enough to almost bring tears to my eyes. "Come on Violet," I said with a sigh looking up from the ground.

—The End—

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