{23} We Learn By Observing

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It's so very easy to let this story fall this far behind. Literally, I get that I've been busy with homework -but I've found the time to update Red Spirit and finish Skyrider so why not update this one, hUH TESS ANSWER THAT ONE????

Want the truth? I've blanked completely, and this is such a little shit to write I swear to the gods. So I've made a pact to myself, no more chapters on anything else until this chapter gets posted. *Picks up phone and starts reading the previous chapter to look at what I've written cause I've forgotten* WISH ME LUCK!! *crosses fingers and prays to Apollo cause he's the poetry guy and I can't think of the god of writing*

Read on!


"Mum..." I took a shaky breath in.

Aphrodite looked down at me so kindly, like the mother I'd always longed for on the worser days in the orphanage, "Cassandra... you really have grown so much."

I swallowed, "Well... I was only a baby."

She laughed, and I was spellbound for a second at how musical it sounded. Is this the Aphrodite that Garth had fallen for?

Her visage flickered for a second, reminding me where I was and what was happening deeper in the volcano, and I felt my eyes widen, "What're you doing here? You have to get out, before they come back!"

She smiled again, "It's okay, they won't be able to catch me."

I just stand there blinking at here, worrying about the scuffling nosies I'm hearing from downstairs.

"Cassie I'm here to tell you the truth."

"Really. Took you long enough." I mumble under my breath, well if I can channel the humour then I mustn't be as out of it as I thought.

"Don't sass me missy," Aphrodite was smiling as she said it, as if that was something she'd always wanted to say. But then her smile melted away, and her form drifted closer, "There's something missing from that letter isn't there?"

"Yes. Father dearest left out half of the prophecy." I jabbed my thumb at the papers on the floor behind me, "I can't do anything without the whole story -and he got interrupted before he could write the rest."

"I know. That's why I'm here."


Stepping out into the main area, out of the shadows cast by the stairs and into the dim light of the volcano, I scanned the area. Glancing around for any signs of my friends.

The cyclops that had previously been hanging out had disappeared. Leaving only Leo, Zianna, Nicko, Garth, and Hephaestus standing in the dead centre, looking almost as if they're about to break into a fight.

I didn't care anymore. I was done with petty feuds and unreasonable gods. I had a right to my own life, Hephaestus had never had the right to even try and dictate what my parents should have done with me. I was beyond pissed at this point. At the prophecy, at the gods, at everyone.

I drew my sword and my shield on my way, marching towards the group with my head held high, channeling my inner Aphrodite. I knew I could get killed for inciting a fight with him, he wasn't an enemy that anyone would want to make.

But I came here for my Father, and I wasn't about to give up simply because I was afraid.

Hephaestus saw me before the others, I came to a stop in between Leo and Zianna, "Hephaestus, it's a pleasure to meet you." I tilted my head to the side, smiling politely.

He narrowed his eyes down at me, "I know you, girl. Seen you before."


"She's no one. No one at all, some distant relative of my mum's cousin's boyfriend you get the picture." Leo jumped in to my defence, trying to protect me from his Dad.

Cute, but it'd take a lot more than a god to intimidate me.

Hephaestus, whose eyes was absolutely sure could not have been any more narrowed, managed to squint even more.

Pretty sure he could barely see, poor guy.

"That shield ..." He grunted, "And the sword. One of mine. Good handiwork, enchanted ... ah. I see."

Could he though? I mean, his eyes were almost closed with how hard he was concentrating on looking.

Finally reaching his conclusion, he peered down at his son, "Boy, this a daughter of Aphrodite. Thought you'd go for someone a lot sturdier." He grunted again, but then eyed the drawn sword and the enchanted shield, "Although she looks like she could hold her own."

I cast my eyes up to the gods as if to ask them for patience.

As if they'd be any help.

"Look, Hephy. I'm not just a child of Aphrodite, and I'm almost not even sorry to tell you this -but I'm here for Garth Nix." I gestured to Garth, who stood separate from the group to my left, frozen in place by probably fear, "My father."

His eyes snapped from Garth to me, trying to spot the similarities probably, we had the same jaw and build but that was about it. Not like we were carbon copies of each other or anything.

"Do you see what we're doing here now?" Now that was a genuine question, his eyes were so narrowed I was legitimately surprised that he could see anything, let alone the minor details of genetics.

If he was angry, he didn't show it, in fact the only reaction Hephaestus had was a couple of springs and wires loosening themselves from his beard and hair, then tying themselves together before falling to the ground in a bid of escape.

"Boy you disappoint me." Was all he said, addressing Leo,

Leo's only reaction -the same stoic response as his father- was a tightening of the jaw, and purposefully reaching for my hand.

I squeezed back, attempting to comfort him.

"Now ... if you'll please. Tell me why you wanted me dead, and why you've taken my father and kept him here." I demanded, knowing full well that I wasn't in a position to make any demands. But I was high on the support I'd gained from Aphrodite, and comfortable in my ability to escape.

Hephaestus glared at me for the first time, "Well girl-"

Then it all happened at once.

The first thing? Zianna dropped to the ground like a dead weight, swaying a bit before falling, Nico barely catching her arm in time to somewhat break her fall. Her body was white, skin almost translucent, and I watched as the plastic bottle that held the water rolled away, completely empty.

Then the whole volcano began to shake.

It started off small, but then it felt as if the very ground would give way beneath our feet. And judging from the stories told about Percy Jackson, demigods and volcanos are not a good mix. Something always ends up going wrong.

Garth was instantly next to Hephaestus, the both of them sharing a knowing, oddly respectful look before Hephaestus pulled a giant hammer out of his tool belt. The pencil Garth had in his hand was suddenly a massive two-handed, double edged sword of both celestial bronze, and imperial gold.

Garth turned to me, "Cassandra, you must take your friends and flee."

"No way," I scoffed hefting my shield up, "I came here for one reason only, and I'm not leaving until it's accomplished. Besides-" I jabbed my thumb at Zianna's prone form on the ground, "I dragged her into this quest and I'm not leaving without her."

There was a glint of something in his eyes -pride?- before he turned away, readying his sword, "Then prepare yourselves." 

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