Chapter 21: Lillian joins the NYPD

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When Lillian turned 21 she applied to join the New York Police Department Academy.

After 6 months of trainning at the academy Lillian graduated number one out of her whole class.

Her great-grandpa and grandpa gave Lillian her badge. After graduation the whole class threw up their gloves in the air.

After graduation she went outside and stood in the same exact spot they met Jamie and Eddie when they graduated the police academy all thoses years ago.

Hey officer Reagan. Danny said

Lillian turned around and looked at her dad

Hey dad. Lillian said

I'm so very proud of you baby girl. Danny siad

Thanks dad. Lillian said

Hey Lillian baby I'm so happy for you and proud of you. Maria said

I'm so happy for you Lillian. Erin said

Thanks aunt Erin. Lillian said

Wow congrats sis. Jack and Sean said

Thanks little brothers. Lillian said

I'm proud of you cousin. Nicky said

Thanks Nicky. Lillian said

We have another Reagan joining the family business as a cop. I'm proud of you Lillian. Frank said

Thanks grandpa. Lillian said

Congrats Lillian you're gonna make one fine cop out there. Henry said

Thanks pops. Lillian said

So top of your class huh. Jamie said

Yep I was. Lillian said

So where are they putting you at? Danny asked

The 5-4 dad looks like you get to deal with me at work. Lillian saidn

Everyone laughed at that

Well we couldn't be any prouder to have you there with us baby. Maria said

Thanks mom. Lillian said

They all went to go out and celebrating Lillian graduating the police academy.

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