Chapter 19: Lillian's car accident

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Lillian was on her way to see her parents when she got into the accident.

Car accident......

Bystander called the wreck into 911 and soon EMS, Fire department, and Police showed up.

The cops ran the plates of the car.

It's Lillian Reagan. Officer Olguin said

We need to call her parents down here. Officer william said

Notifying Danny and Maria and they make their way tothe accident scene

Stablizing Lillian.....

They put a c-collar on her and put her on a back board and they load her into the ambulance.  She stopped breathing so they started to intubate her and do CPR and Maria and Danny arrived on scene and run over to the ambulance and they see the medic doing CPR on their daughter, and they have tears running down their faces.

How is she? Dannyn asked

Not good she has possible internal bleeding. and we just lost her once and had to intubate her and do CPR. Medic Travis said

Where are you taking her? Maria asked

Saint Victor's. Medic Travis said

They loaded Lilllian into the ambulance and rushed her to the hospital.

Danny and Maria follow the ambulance to the hospital.

Calling the family.....
F. Hello
M. Frank can you have everyone meet us at Saint Victor's hospital Lillian's being rushed there now
F. What? Why?
M. Lillian was on her way to see us and was in a car accident
F. Oh my I'll let everyone know and we will be on our way
They hang up

Ambulance arrives at the hospital and so do Danny and Maria

They wheel Lillian into the hospital

LIllian Reagan in a car accident Possible internal bleeding. Lost her once and had to do CPR and intubate her. Medic Travis said

Trauma room 7. Dr. Coulson said

They wheel here into the trauma room

They ran the test and she haa internal bleeding so the rush her into surgery.

Maria and Danny are in the waiting room when the rest of the family arrives, and they were told Lillian was in surgery.

After surgery......

Ms. Lillian Reagan family. Dr. Coulson said

We are her parents how is she? Maria and Danny said

Ms. Reagan had internal bleeding we repaired the damage and she will make a full recovery. She is in room 3212. Dr. Coulson said

Can we see her? Danny asked

Yes. Dr. Coulson said

The family made their way up to the sixth floor and went in to see Lillian.

Lillian is awake we they all enter her room.

You gave us quite a the scare baby girl. Danny said

Sorry. Lillian said

Lillian makes a full recovery and is back driving 6 weeks later.

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