Chapter 18: Danny getting shot and Lillian's reaction

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Maria and Danny were out arresting a suspect for their case when he open fired at them, and he shot Danny three times twice in the stomach and once in the shoulde. They both wearing their vest but the bullets went through his vest.

Maria saw her husband get shot and go down

DANNY!!! Maria yelled and she shot the suspect killling him and then ran over to Danny, and applied presssure on the wounds to slow down the bleeding.

Danny's eyes started to closes

No Danny come on stay awake for me please honey. Maria cried

Maria radio for an ambulance

This detective Reagan I need a bus rolled to this location detective Danny Reagan is down he has been shot. Maria said

EMS showed up

Paramedics ran over to them and started to apply pressure on the wounds and stablize Danny.

Danny's eyes closes again and he goes unconscious

They check his pulse and he wasn't breathing

I've lost his pulse and he is not breathing. Medic James said

They start CPR and intubate him and they get him back

They loaded Danny into the ambulance and they rushed him to St. Victor's Hospital

Maria got into the car and drove to the hospital.

Frank getting notified that Danny was shot

Frank was sitting in his office when Abby, Sid, and Garrett came into his office, and he looked up and saw tjeir faces and he knew something bad happened.

Guys what's wrong? Frank asked

Sir wwhile out on a case your son Danny and your daughter-in-law were involved in a shoot out. Detective Danny Reagan was shot three times twice in the stomach and once in his shoulder.Detective Maria Reagan however was not shot and took out the suspect and killed him. She radio for a bus to be taken to their location and when they showed up Danny stopped breathing so they had to do CPR and intubate him, and they rushed him to St. Victor's Hospital. Abby said

Get my detail ready to go please. Frank asked

Already done sir. Garrett said

Has anyone else been informed yet? Frank asked

Not yet sir. Sid said

Okay Sid will you pull Jamie and Eddie from duty tell them what is going on, get Anthony get Erin and tell her what has happened, get my dad from the house and tell him what is going on, and will you please call Lillian to get to the hospital but don't tell her what is going on Maria will tell her when  she gets there, and Abby grab Sean, Jack, and Nicky from school please while I head to the hospital to be with Maria please. Frank asked

Yes sir. All three said

Each one left and went to do what they were tasked to do.

Ambulance arrived at the hospital

They didn't even take Danny into a trauma room they just wheeled him into a operating room where they would do all there test on him because he was in critical condition. Maria also arrived at the hospital and was in the waiting room.

Frank arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later....

Maria honey. Frank said

Maria looked up at Frank and walked into his arms and cried

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