Chapter 17: Danny and Maria bomb scare and it freaks Lillian out

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Jack's birthday.....

Lillian took her brother's to the zoo since their parents caught a case, and couldn't take them.

At the zoo.....

Lillian got a notification on her phone that showed her mom and dad stopping a lady with a bomb.

She saw a photo of her dad pulling the lady out of the car, and her mom pulling the little boy out of the car.

Lillian was freaking out but she wasn't about to let it show and freak her brother's out.

Arriving at the Reagan family home for Jack's party.....

All three walk into the house and the boys head over to their grandpa. Lillian didn't see her parents, so she started to freak out.

Erin, Jamie, and Eddie saw Lillian start to freak out, so the three of them walk over to her.

Lillian sweetie what's wrong? Erin asked

My Mom... gasp and dad.... gasp..... stopped a bomb. Lillian gasped out

Lillian you got to calm down. Eddie said

Lillian somewhat calmed down

My mom and dad stopped a bomb. I almost lost my parents today. My brother would hate his birthday for the rest of his life. Lillian said and she starts to breath heavy

Lillian you have to calm down you are having a panic attack. Jamie said

Lillian wasn't calming down she was only getting worse and she passed out and she hit her head on the ground.

Erin go get dad. Jamie said

Erin goes and gets Frank

Jamie calls 911 and the paramedics are on their way.

Erin and Frank come into the living room and see Jamie holding Lillian and she hasn't woken up still.

What happened? Frank asked

Lillian knows about Maria'a and Danny's latest case with the bomb and when she gort here she couldn't find them and she started to freak out, and we tried to get her to calm down and she only got worse and then she passed out and she hit her head on the floor, and she hasn't woken up yet. Jamie said

Jamie called 911 and paramedics are on their way here now. Eddie said

Paramedic show up

What happened? Medic Joslyn asked

My niece Lillian Reagan had a severe panic attack and passed out she hit her head and hasnt woken up yet. My brother and sister- in-law worked a bomb case and she found out about it and when she arrived here and couldn't find them she started to freak out. Jamie said

Okay we are gonna put her on oxygen and put in IV in to run some fluids and transport her to St. Victor Hospital. Medic Joslyn said

Okay. Jamie said

The medics load Lillian into the ambulance and take her to the hospital.

I"m going to call Maria and let her know what has happened. Erin said

Okay. Frank said

Phone call......
M. Hello
E. Maria
Maria could tell by Erin's voice whatever she was about to say wasn't going to be good news.
M. What's wrong Erin
E. It's about Lillian
M. What is wrong with Lillian
E. She know about your guys latest case she saw the news notification on her phone. When she got to dad's and she didn't see the two of you she freaked out and had a severe panic attack and passed out and she hit her head on the ground and she hasn't woken up yet. Jamie called 911 and paramedics showed up and ambulanced Lillian to St. Victors Hospital.
M. Oh god we are on our way right now
They hang up

In the car......

Maria and Danny

Maria flips on the lights and sirens

Maria looks at her husband with tears running down her cheeks

Maria what's wrong with Lillian? Danny asked

She knows about our case today and she went over to your dad's and didn't see us and she freaked out and had a severe panic attack and passed out and hit her head on the ground and hasn't woken up yet. Jamie called the paramedic and they ambulanced her to St. Victor's Hospital. Maria said

She will be okay I promise. Danny said

Ambulance arriving at the hospital......

Patient Lillian Reagan had a severe panic attack and passed out she hit her head on the ground and hasn't woken up yet. we put oxygen on her and are running fluids through an IV. Medic Joslyn said

Trauma bay 2. Dr. Benson said

They wheeled her into the room

The rest of the family showed up not long after the ambulance
they're in the waiting room.

Maria and Danny arrive at the hospital and run into the emergancy waiting room to the rest of the family.

Have you guys heard anything on Lillian? Maria asked

Nothing. Henry said

Jack and Sean went over to their parents and hugged them

In the trauma room.......

Lillian started to wake up

Mom no. Mommy and daddy come back. LIllian started to panic and thrash around so the doctor and nurses had to sedate Lillian and admit her for the night, so they move her to room 2289.

Dr. Benson goes and updates the family.

In the waiting room....

Lillian Reagan Family. Dr. Benson said

Yes. Everyone said

Well my name is Dr. Benson I've been treating Lillian she has a mild concussion so her head will hurt for a week, and she did wake up however when she did she started have another panic attack so we sedated her and admitted her room 2289. Dr. Benson said

Everyone went to see her and then Frank and Henry took the boys back to their house when everyone went home while Danny and Maria stayed with Lillian at the hospital.

Next day Lillian wakes up........

Mmmmm. Lillian moaned

Hey baby girl. Danny said

Ouch my head hurts. Lillian said

Yeah it will for a week you have a concussion from when you passed out last night and had to be ambulance to the hospital. Maria said

What? LIllian asked

Lillian you're in the hospital you had a panic attack and you passed and hit your head so uncle Jamie called 911 and you were brought to the hospital. you tried to wake up last night and had another panic attack so the doctor had to sedate you so that is why you are still in the hospital. Maria said

Do you want to talk about what caused your panic attack? Danny asked

I got the news notification about your guys last case which scared me. I almost lost the two of you last night to a bomb and my brother would have hated his birthday for the rest of his life. I would have had to raise them. Lillian said

Oh baby girl. Danny said

Maria and Danny comforted Lillian

2 hours later....

Lillian was released from the hospital so they went to get the boys from Frank's and Henry's house. Maria and Danny took their kids home.

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