Ch 16

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The morning came and for Izuku it was just like any other morning, he woke up early before the sun was even up yet in order to train however to day there was one change. Today when he got up and went to go train Izuku was accompanied by Katsumi who said the day before they all left for there internships that she would train with Izuku for a little bit so that she could see if Izuku was telling the truth when he said that his training was difficult. The two of them met out in the front of the dorms.

Izuku: so you ready to go Kacchan?

Katsumi: of course I am!

Izuku: good then let's go.

With that both Katsumi and Izuku took off running towards the woods that surrounded the UA school building. It didn't take them long to reach the forest and when they did that is when the real training began. Now it wasn't just running anymore, no now it was run while jumping over and dodging things that got in there way. It was at this point that Katsumi understood why Izuku said his training was so hard, this was way different then just running. By running and dodging they were exerting more of there energy and it was hard to keep the same pace the whole time then it would be with regular running.

Katsumi: you do this every morning!

Izuku: if I have the opportunity to yes!

The two of them continued to run for a little while longer until they finally stopped. The two of them were no breathing extremely heavy.

Izuku: we'll rest for a minute then it will be time to train are strength.

Katsumi: r-right.

The two of them continued to rest and catch there breath from there run before they continued on to the next step of the training which was focusing on strength.

Izuku: you ready for the next part Kacchan?

Katsumi: you don't have to worry about me de...Izuku.

Izuku: you can call me deku if Kacchan, I really don't mind.

Kacchan: fine, what is the next part of the workout deku?

Izuku: time to focus on strength, they way I do that is with calisthenics.

Kacchan: like what?

Izuku: first a pull up variation, so find a tree branch and do an exercise that is difficult for you.

After saying that Katsumi watched as Izuku went up to one of the tree branches near him and began to do muscle ups like they were nothing. She was impressed at how easy Izuku made it look but do to her competitiveness she didn't want to be out done so she got her own tree branch and began doing muscle ups as well. The two of them continued to go at it to the point that nether one of them were doing muscle ups anymore and instead they were struggling to just do regular pull ups and eventually they couldn't even do that anymore.

Izuku: o-ok now lets do some squats.

Katsumi: n-no break?

Izuku: no.

Katsumi: shit!

Katsumi and Izuku continued to train hard like they had been doing this whole time going through squats then push ups then finally sit ups. With every exercise they did they did it to there limits and by the end the two of them were on the ground breathing heavily. After the running Katsumi was starting to think that Izuku was right about the workout being hard but after finishing all of the calisthenic exercises she fully believed him.

Katsumi: thank God we're done.

Izuku: what are you talking about.

Katsumi: what?

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