Ch 15

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The rest of Izuku internship with Gran Torino came and went and now Izuku is on his way back to UA with bumps, bruises, and a bunch more experience the he had before he went to her. Izuku taught himself some more techniques during his internship in the hopes to actually land a hit on the old woman but Izuku would always get close but in the end miss. Then after he missed she would always change up how she went about things and throw Izuku off of his game again. In the end Izuku never landed anything more then a scratch on her but she managed to knock him down multiple times.

Izuku mind: what a internship, thank God it is over and I don't have to do anything else with that witch.

The train ride back to Mustafar didn't take to long in Izuku opinion as he was mostly deep in thought during the whole train ride. Once there Izuku decided to walk back to UA just like he walked to Gran Torino's apartment building. As he was making his way back Izuku continued to think about all of the stuff he learned while doing his internship, that is till he heard someone call his name from behind him.

???: Midoriya!!!!

When Izuku turned around to see who it was that was calling him he saw Teni jogging up to him.

Teni: I see that you also decided to walk to school from the train station!

Izuku: yup I thought that I would walk and think.

Teni: funny I too was going to walk and think as headed back to UA.

Izuku: well since you're here would you like to walk with me?

Teni: that would be nice Izuku thank you.

With that said the two of them began to walk together back to UA. After a few minutes of peaceful silence until that silence was eventually broken.

Teni: so how was the rest of your internship?

Izuku: it was........enlightening.

Teni: I see.

Izuku: how was yours?

Teni: well I got into a little bit of trouble with Manual but after that she went back to doing the normal stuff she did with me.

Izuku: well it's nice to hear that you didn't get into to much trouble.

Teni: yes and it was thanks to you.

Izuku: me, what are you talking about I didn't do anything?

Teni: Izuku you saved me from the heroine killer.......

Izuku: I already told you Teni that you don't have to........

Teni: I know, I know but I want too, I won't to thank you Izuku for your help so thank you.

Sighing in defeat Izuku then gave Teni a small smile.

Izuku: you're welcome Teni.

The rest of the walk was quite but it was a comfortably quiet as the two felt like there was nothing more to say to each other at the moment and all they had to do was enjoy the company that they had with each other. The two of them eventually reached UA and only a minute or two after that made it to the 1A dorms. When the two of them got inside they saw that it was empty.

Teni: I guess we are the first ones to make it back from are internships.

Izuku: it does look that way doesn't it.

Teni: yes it does(sigh) well I guess this is where we part ways, I need to go put my stuff away.

Izuku: same.

Teni then began to walk to her room before she turned back around to face Izuku.

Teni: Izuku!

Izuku: what is it Teni?

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