Ch 9

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As the waves move the ocean water causing it to rise and lower on the shores of the beach a figure can be seen swimming back to the deserted island. In no time at all the figure is revealed to be Izuku and he was able to make it back on the island after escaping from the pirates ship. Once on the beach Izuku began to rest but that rest was cut short by the sound of a boats motor getting louder and louder. Izuku looked behind him back out to the ocean only to see Jess and a bunch of her men coming back to the island at full speed. Izuku had a pretty good idea that the reason they were coming back was to get him so they could sell him to the highest bidder.

Izuku: damn it, I knew being this drop dead gorgeous was going to get me in to trouble one of these days.

Izuku immediately got back up knowing he had no time to rest because Jess and her men would be on him in no time if he didn't hurry. Knowing his best bet was the wooded area on the island Izuku got up and sprinted into the woods. Do to exploring and living on the island for two and a half years Izuku knew the best place to hid and not be seen. Izuku usually used this hiding spots for hunting the wild animals on the island but he figured that the would also be good for hiding from the pirates. Izuku was able to get threw the woods of the island and make it to a small cave that he discovered on one of his hunting trips with out being seen by Jess or her pirate goons. Once through the caves entrance Izuku covered it up with brush so they didn't think to look inside and he took a rest to catch his breath from all the running.

Izuku: first I'm stranded on a deserted island and now I'm being chased by pirates. Oh boy if the plagues from the Bible came I would honestly not be surprised......

Izuku went silent as he thought he heard something or someone moving threw the brush outside of the cave. After a minute Izuku could hear that whatever was moving outside left and the ghost was clear for the time being.

Izuku: I can't just sit in here forever, and I can't just leave and hope they do to. If I'm going to survive I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. No more sitting around, it's time to do something about these guys!

Izuku left the cave that he was hiding from the pirates in the go take matters into his own hands and duel with the men that are after him. The pirates lead by Jess were trying to make there way threw the woods but none of them were used the the island terrain and were having trouble. The man at the end was really have trouble keeping up with the rest and was fall behind due to exhaustion. The man decided to stop so that he could take a quick break, and when he sat down on the rocks the vines that obscured the rest of the forest behind them opened and the man was dragged through. When the man was pulled through he late out a scream of pure terror before things went dead silent again.

Jess: what the hell was that?

Pirate 1: It sounded like someone screaming.

Jess: I know that, but who was it?

Pirate 5: ma'am!

Jess: what!

Pirate 5: it's Blake, he's gone.

Jess: what!

Pirate 5: he was behind us the last time I looked but now he's not.

Pirate 1: do you want us to go back for him?

Jess: no, we keep going, if he died it's his own fault.

Pirate 1: yes ma'am.

Jess and the group of men then continued to head through the woods hunting for Izuku none of them realizing that it was them that were now being hunted. The group was now in a more open part of the woods with less bushes and overgrown weeds to block there view. As they were walking through this area a figure swung down on a vine and again got the guy that was in the back of the group making the man let out a scream alerting the group. The group saw their crew member get picked up and taken just outside their view. However they saw were the two landed and ran after them but when they got there Izuku was already gone and the man was unconscious.

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