Ch 10

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The next day Izuku wools up early before the sun like he did every so that he had time to train his body in order to keep it strong. Izuku left the dorms and went to the woods just outside of the school. Izuku ran threw the woods dodging branches and jumping over fallen trees to build his endurance. Izuku then started to climb the trees and do some calisthenic exercises in order to help strengthen his body. This is the kind of training Izuku did on the island and he figured if it still worked why change it. Izuku continued to train till the sun was up and then began to head back to the dorms. When he was back at the dorms he went in and saw the lively girls tuning around getting all there stuff ready. Today the girls and him were leaving for what was going to be there internships with a heroine and part of his trail period to help see if he stayed or not.

Izuku: morning girls!

After giving all the girls a good morning Izuku continued to walk to his room while each girl gave him a good morning back as he walked by. As he was walking up the stairs to his room Izuku past by Katsumi on her way down to the common room and kitchen.

Izuku: good morning Katsumi.

Katsumi: morning now shut up!

Izuku: still not a morning person I see.

Katsumi: nothing gets past your eyes.

Katsumi said this in a sarcastic tone do Izuku decided he was going to mess with her because of that.

Izuku: not even your beauty Katsumi.

This comment made Katsumi go red with embarrassment and she started yelling.


Izuku: looks like someone is finally awake.

Katsumi: whatever you stupid nerd!

After that Izuku continued to make his way up the stairs to his room. Once in his room he went washed up and got ready to go. Once he was dressed Izuku made his way back down to the kitchen in order to get something to eat. After getting to the kitchen and looking through the fridge decided on making steak and eggs for breakfast in order to get his protein in for his muscles. As Izuku was cooking one of the girls came up behind him to see what he was making. Izuku heard this and turned to see who it was.

Izuku: oh morning Jiro.

Jiro: good morning.

Izuku: need help with something?

Jiro: no, just seeing what you were making.

Izuku: I see, I'm just making steak and eggs.

Jiro: I didn't think you could cook.

Izuku: I would call what I do cooking, it's more like just making sure the food is edible enough to eat.

Jiro thought that was funny and chuckled a little then the two of them continued to talk and laugh while Izuku made his breakfast. After Izuku finished marking his food he sat down at one of the tables to eat and when he did Tsuyu and Toru joined him.

Toru: that's a big breakfast you made.

Izuku: yeah, I get hungry after I train.

Tsuyu: you already went and trained today?

Izuku: yup, I like to get up early and get it done before I go and do anything else.

While the three of them were talking Katsumi overheard the part about training and wanted to know more.

Katsumi: Deku!

Izuku then turned to see Katsumi coming over to them with that face of determination that scared most people.

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