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Naruto was laying on his bed. It was mid-day and it was his day off. He didn't leave his bedroom. The only time he did was for breakfast and needing to go to the toilet. He didn't know what to do. Menma, Mito and Naruko had their friends over for their graduation party so it was noisy downstairs. Naruto didn't know what to do. It's been a while since he had a day off. His mother forced him to relax. 

He closed his eyes but then opened them when he heard a tap against his window. He got up and drew the curtains out. He saw a orange fox with yellow parts. He opened the window and smiled.

"Hey Kirisho." smiled Naruto. 

"Hey Naruto, message from Gaara." said Kirisho giving the scroll to Naruto, before laying in the fox bed Naruto has for him. Naruto was about to open the scroll when Kushina called everyone for lunch. Naruto sighed and put the scroll in his hoodie pocket and made his way downstairs. He saw all of the Rookie 12. Naruto sighed.

"Ah Musuko, I've made some lunch." said Kushina. The newly Genins looked up and they were shocked. THE Cloud was in the Namikaze Compound. Naruto smiled.

"Thanks mum," he said, grabbing some lunch and sat down. Kamina made her way to Naruto and sat next to him, making Naruto laugh. The other Genin sat down with some lunch and they were talking about stuff.

"So Cloud-San, what are you doing here?" asked Ino. Naruto swallowed his food and got his scroll out.

"Better question, is what are YOU lot doing here?" asked Naruto.

"We're here because Namikaze-San allowed us to party here." said Sakura. Naruto looked at Kushina.

"And where was my graduation party?" Naruto asked sarcastically. 

"Hey me and your father offered, you didn't want one." said Kushina.

"I know." grinned Naruto. He then looked at Ino.

"As to answer your question, Yamanaka-San. I live here." said Naruto, shocking everyone expect the Namikazes. 

"Why do you live here?" asked Choji.

"It's probably because he's Yondiame Hokage's Son. How? Because he looks exactly like the Yondiame. My father also talked to some other people and said that Cloud is Naruto Namikaze, son of Yondiame Hokage." said Shino.

"Kid got it right." said Naruto opening the school.

"What's the scroll for, Aniki?" asked Menma.

"It's for me to know and for you to never know." smirked Naruto.

"Awe! Come on!" said Menma.

"It's addressed to me not you." said Naruto, he began to read it.

Hey Kyuubi-Kun,

How are you holding up? It's been a while, hasn't it my love? Just to let you know that I'll be a Jounin Co-Sensei for my Siblings team and I'm scared. I know that they already fear me because of Shukaku but I'm afraid that I might hurt them. I know that they know I would never hurt them on purpose but I'm scared. I wish I was with you right now so you can wash away my fears. I just want to be with you, my love but I got to wait to the Chunin Exams that is happening within Konoha this year. I hope I get to see you. 

Anyway how have you been? I hope you're not flirting with anyone. I might kill you if you do. How's the Anbu Missions? They're not tiring you out, are they? How are your siblings and their Kyuubi? Anyway I've got some stuff to do, Father is still bring an ass. I'm glad that you and your parents have a great relationship with each other. 

Anyway talk to you later my love.


Naruto smiled. His love always worry about her relationship with her siblings. Her father though is someone who Naruto's hate. How can someone be so rude to their own child? Well Jinchurrikis do have a hard life. 

"Who's Shukaku-Chan?" asked Menma looking over Naruto's shoulder. Naruto eye twitched.

"Of course he was going to do that. Noisy little Ototo." thought Naruto as he punched Menma's head and made him land on the ground.

"Ow!" Menma shouted. Kushina walked back into the kitchen.

"What happened?" asked Kushina.

"Menma read Aniki's scroll." said Mito. 

"Menma!" Kushina said. Menma began to run. The others laughed whereas Naruto closed the scroll and put it back into his hoodie pocket.

"Still, Menma has a point Aniki. Who's Shukaku-Chan?" asked Naruko.

"Someone." Naruto said before he headed upstairs to write back to his love.

[A week later]

Iruka told the students who their teams were. It's been 30 minutes after lunch and Team 7 and 11 were the only teams left. Kushina came into the classroom dragging Kakashi. 

"OW! Kushina!" cried Kakashi. 

"Shut up Kakashi, I'm not making the Genins wait for you." said Kushina. Kakashi rubbed his ear in pain. He could see both teams but he couldn't see the other sensei.

"Where's Naruto?" asked Kakashi. Kushina looked around.

"You didn't corrupt him, did you?" asked Kushina.

"No!" Kakashi said.

"Well lets head up to the roof, guys." said Kushina.

"Naruto might be there." thought Kushina. The Genin made their way up to the Roof as did the Jounins. 

"Alright seeing as the mainly sensei of Team 7 isn't here, I guess we should start." said Kakashi. Kushina sighed and agreed but before anyone can say a word, a flash of yellow appeared.

"Sorry that I'm late, meeting took a bit longer then I wanted." said Naruto. 

"It's fine Musuko, take a seat." smiled Kushina. Naruto nodded and sat on the railings.

"Okay we're going to introduce ourselves. Naruto since your Team 7's Main Sensei, you go first." said Kushina. Naruto rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah. Yeah." Naruto sighed. He looked at both teams with tired eyes. Anyone could tell that the man hasn't been sleeping properly for a few days.

"Names Naruto Namikaze. Age 20. Likes are Winter and Lightning. Dislikes are perverts and a certain someone. Hobbies are training and doing my work. Dream to start a family. Relationship status, I'm taken." said Naruto. The last one shocked everyone, expect Kakashi.

"My son is in a relationship and I just found out TODAY?!" Kushina screamed in her head.

"Not surprised. Naruto is a good-looking person. Plus he's been a relationship with his little Shukaku since he was like 12." thought Kakashi.

"He's dating someone?!" the Genins thought.

[After everyone introduces themselves. Months later, After the Wave Arc].

Naruto was walking through the village. He was bored. He saw stands and people preparing for the Kyuubi Festival which is happening later that night. Naruto was walking his siblings decided to follow him. They were talking about the festival and they decided that they might bring a date with them if the person wanted to. They also asked Naruto if he was bringing a date.

"I have no clue. The answer is probably no." said Naruto. Little did he know, his lover also had the same problems with him. He turned a corner and bumped into someone, he caught the person and his eyes widened.



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