Chapter Twelve: The Hunt

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Chapter Twelve:

The Hunt

*drum noise*

It was the next morning already when again the drums started beating; they probably marked the beginning of every day.

Raven was inside her tent when she suddenly heard a voice. She struggles to get up while rubbing her eyes and yawning intensely.

Her eyes were swollen from the previous night since she cried herself to sleep.

"Is that Trystan's smell? Why does it smell like Trystan? Was he here,in my tent? Oh crap, why would he be inside my tent?" Raven's thoughts start to speak as she inhales a fading scent of Trystan. It was too prominent to be mistaken.

"Hey Raven, are you up yet?" Jasper surprised her as he stood there just in front of her at the entrance, with sweat dripping all over him from his face and his body; his biceps were clearly visible and his face looked even more attractive.

"uh yeah, I'm awake now, why are you up so early? And why all this sweat?" Raven manages to frame questions for Jasper while she wonders if it was him and not Trystan that she got a scent of earlier.

"Oh yes, I have a habit of waking up early for my morning workout routine," Jasper tells her with a smirk on his face.

It turns out Jasper shared the tent and slept in the second sleeping bag she had.

"What is that smell?

Jasper?" Raven is confused as she sniffs some off of Jasper.

"Er, um prolly me, I'm sorry must be the sweat" Jasper replies in an apologetic tone.

"No, the one before you even entered," Raven says in a serious and curious tone.

"Um, what do you mean? I spent the night here, must be some of my stuff smelling, I'll get rid of it" Jasper replies.

"Nah, leave it. I must get up"

Raven replies, clearly pushing him aside. She didn't really care much, now that she knew it wasn't Trystan.

"Alright, alright, why don't you come out now eh? Maybe you could join me.." Jasper winks at her while he tries to take a sip of water from the bottle he had been holding all this while.

"Huh, Good grief! Why don't you get out of here instead?" Raven replied with an attitude.

"Calm down, I'm sorry if I was offensive in any way," Jasper says while putting his hands in front of him for defence.

"Whatever" Raven replies under her breath, not loud enough but clear enough for him to leave her alone.

She gets up and walks out of the tent, repeating the incident inside her head. She couldn't have mistaken Trystan's scent for anyone else's but it was clearly Jasper.

Raven seems to have given in to her "Trystan thoughts"; she didn't speak much and was getting all grumpy for God knows what reason.

She walks and slips her hand inside her pocket when she finds another chit.

"It was me ~ T"

"How the fuck? When did he manage to even sneak in? " she is awestruck, her cheeks turn red. She can't stop blushing and daydreaming whilst fantasising about Trystan.

Her moment is interrupted as she trips over Tim, once again.

"ouch, sorry" Tim apologises while soothing his head with his hand.

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