Chapter Ten: Hike

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Chapter Ten:

Event II


"Get your camp setup all packed, about to hike all the way up to the mountain you see in front of you. No excuse will be entertained, everyone has to climb up!" Trystan instructs and warns the kids.

"What is it called?" Jasper questioned.

"Pardon?" Trystan replied.

"The mountain, what is it called, it must have a name right?" Jasper said boldly!

"Oh right, right. It's called the 'Gruselig Mountain'. Now shut up you chattering birds!" Trystan orders.

"and no chit chat during the hike! Am I clear?, No need to say 'Yes'" Trystan added.

"Gru..s. e.lig?" Raven thinks to herself, doesn't that mean 'Spooky' in German? How weird, why would anyone name a pretty mountain that? she thought to herself.

Anyway, she couldn't care less about anything anymore, the fact that her best friend betrayed her was killing her inside.

Raven, disheartened and not interested anymore walks up to her tent and continues packing up stuff.

"Hey! Do you need any help?" A voice says in a calm tone.

"It doesn't really matter.." Raven says as she looks up to see who it is.

Jasper smiles, "well it doesn't matter if you want to sleep out in the cold when we reach the top" he says as he joins her with the packing.

"Who is the other sleeping bag for?" Jasper asks.

"I don't know," Raven replies.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to help?" Raven sarcastically mocks Jasper.

"You mean that girl?" Jasper points in the direction of Lyla.

"Isn't that obvious?" Raven adds and then looks away.

" I don't even remember her name!" Jasper laughs.

"Something " Raven says

"You really think so?" Jasper raises his eyebrow.

"Why else would you look like that?" Raven says confused.

"The same reason, I'm here at the camp for" Jasper returns to his calm tone.

"What reason?" Raven asks

"LET'S KEEP GOING" Trystan orders the crowd

Lyla couldn't bear the sight of Jasper helping out Raven, so she forced Tim to pair up with her. Valerie and Sharon stayed on the same team.

The previous in-charge of activities with a dead soul in his eyes guided the way, Lyla was the first one to follow dragging Tim along with her.

And as usual Raven was the last one in the group, but maybe not alone, this time.

Raven could hear someone walking behind her as they proceeded, the sound of broken branches & leaves being crushed under someone's foot made her sure.

She tried to look who it was from the corner of her eyes, is it Trystan?

For a moment, a smile spread across her face. The thought of Trystan, always made her cheeks glow bright pink against her pale complexion and would always make her nervous.

" Is he the ghost of Gruselig mountain?" Raven said to herself and chuckled

Raven decided to play with him a little, just to confirm if he was following her or just decided to tag along. As he never got involved in any of the previous activities.

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