{4} - The Mysterious Man

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Inpu's P.O.V

The kids ran off to check out a, bug was it? Yes, they flew off as Bryan called out, "Be careful!" As he looked quite worried

"Don't worry dear," I reassure him, "Scar wouldn't hurt a fly,"

Bryan looked over to me still worried as he said "It's not Scar I'm worried about... What if they get lost? Or hurt or Amaya has an anxiety attack?!"

I scoff as I cut him off and say, "Dear, they'll be just fine, the camp is quite protected, remember? Not to mention she's with Artemis. And you know he'll be there for her."

Bryan sighs defeatedly "Yeah... I guess, it's just that-"

"Shhh" Inpu cut him off as he put a finger to his husbands lips

"Come on now dear, the kids will be completely fine. Let's take today off, me and you time." Inpu states

Bryan sighs, taking a few moments to think. "Alright, ok. I guess a few hours, wouldn't hurt.... Right?"
He looks at Inpu for reassurance

"Of course! Now let's go it's been so long since we've been here, today is a relaxing day. No worries, No kids! It's time to take a break after how many years?"

Bryan chuckles at this, "I guess you've got a point, it'll be nice to have a little time to just relax..."

"Exactly! You get it! Now come dear, let's find some of our old friends, hmm?" Inpu leads Bryan by the hand as they walk off the opposite direction from the kids, in hopes to encounter some old acquaintances.

⚜️•~• Meanwhile •~•⚜️

River's P.O.V

I was waking around camp pondering.
Until he stopped and realized something. "Today is our the 5th year anniversary..."

Of what you may ask?

"5 years ago today... the day Bryan, the son of Aphrodite, has left me to run off with that stupid dog." River thought angrily and he balled his fists up while walking a much faster pace to nowhere specific.

"Are you ok?"

River flinches as he turns around to see a little boy with angel wings and some sort of animal ears, and more than likely had a tail by the looks of it, was it... a dog

River internally scoffs and continues to ball up his fists as he remembers the man who'd taken away the only one who River had his heart set on, even after all these years, River wouldn't give up, even after they got married, he wouldn't, and he'll do whatever fit takes to get to the son of Aphrodite, even if it's by force-
his thoughts were cut off by a voice he forgot was even there.

"Hello?" The boy known formally as Artemis speaks up,

"Yes! What! What is it?" His voice was annoyed as he was cut from his thoughts and clearly harsh

"Ummm, well... I- Uh. Um..." Artemis suddenly was speechless as he found the aura emiting from this man was very intimidating.

"We'll spit it out." River croaked quite meanly, not knowing how to handle a kid, let alone comfort one,

"Uh- we were, um... wondering, what your name was..." Artemis nervously spoke up, clearly regretting coming this direction

Trying to clear the tension Artemis spoke. "I'm Artemis, this is Amaya."

River looked and saw there was another little girl behind this boy he so dearly didn't care about

After just staring at the two kids River stood his ground as he gave a clear unamused face.

"What's your name?" Artemis asked trying once again to break the tension

"Tsk. What'll it matter, you'll just end
up for getting it anyway, Now out of my way, I have very important adult business to attend to," He walked off mockery clear in his voice

As soon as River- or as been known to the kids as the 'mysterious man'  had turned the corner completely out of sight from them they both breathed a sigh of relief as Amaya came out from behind her brother

"That was so~ creepy..." Artemis speaks up exaggerating the 'so~'

Amaya looks at him with a worried stare "I don't like him..." As she looks off to the side before asking a question to her brother.

"Do you think everyone is like this?"

Artemis looks at her with a nervous smile trying to reassure her, "I hope not.."

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