{6} - Talking Plans ... Evil Plans...

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3rd Person P.O.V

Deep inside a quiet and large castle, there stood a man in an office structured room, as this man sat at his desk looking over some photographs of what appear to be none other than Bryan Aphrodite himself,
First, tending to a radiant garden, the second, walking down a path... holding hands with that ... Kitsune

Jakey stares at this one photo until he is disrupted by the door creaking open ever so swiftly

"What on earth do you think your doing in my study?" The man questioned, slight anger rising in his tone

Jakey stood pushing his chair out from behind himself in this one motion,

But just glares at the photo he had last set his eyes upon without blinking

"Well?" The voice called out quite pissed off as he went and walked up toward the other who was just staring off onto space

Jakey looks up after recognizing the man before him,
"Ah, hello Brandeen,"

"Quit the chit-chat and answer my question" Brandeen speaks clearly annoyed at having to repeat himself
"Why. Are. You. Here."

Jakey looks at Brandeen and speaks, "He's back..."

"Who?" Brandeen asks




"The son of Aphrodite..
The one who defeated the Suductive Rose, ... and has the power to do away with the rest of us..." Jakey says as he looks up at Brandeen

He notices Brandeen state at him in question as he asks, "How are you so confidant that puny little play-toy has the strength to defeat us all?"

Jakey looks at Brandeen slightly leaning on the desk he stood at, "Don't you remember? What he used to, oh so effectively kill the Seductive Rose?"

Brandeen looked off to side as he remembered the blinding light that had completely killed the Seductive Rose.
"That damned soul crystal..."

Jakey nodded ever so slowly remembering the slight fear he felt once he had saw the true powers that one Demi-God had gained over just partially a year, fox knows just how powerful he could become

Jakey carried on-

"..Exactly, and if we're not careful, he could do the same with us"

"So I've come up with a solution to-" Jakey was cut off by Brandeen's voice as he stomped over towards him
"-And what makes you think your in charge, huh?"

Jakey sighs in frustration hating it when an authority-like figure pushes him down, he glares at Brandeen clearly upset

"Because-" His voice demanding to be heard as he raised it high
"I have come up with a plan to make sure that we don't die."

Brandeen studies Jakey's face as he looks to be almost seething in anger at being belittled


Brandeen stands a little longer just staring at Jakey, who was not backing down, before giving an audible sigh as he cave's in
"Then what do you purpose?"

Jakey smiles ever so slightly before he begins to speak,

"So here's the plan...

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