{3} - Ariving At Camp

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Amaya's P.O.V

I see in the distance, what looks to be a massive door as we're walking through the forest

"Wowie!! Look at how HUMUNGOUS those doors are!!!" 
I start to run off to check them out as Artemus follows suite. Then I hear dad (Bryan) call out to us, But then hear papa (Inpu) reassure him that it'll be fine.

"Wowww!" Artemis sighed in unison to mine

"How does this thing open?" I ask lightly tapping the giant door

"I dunno...
Maybe you need muscles!"  Artemis then proceeded to try to tackle the door by leaning and pushing all his weight onto the door in an attempt to open it

"No dummy! That's not gonna work!" I say rolling my eyes dramatically

"Yeah? Well I bet you don't have any better idea dummy!" Artemis dramatically pouted,

"It's obviously a button hidden somewhere in the patterns! I mean like- every single secret doors have a secret way to open them!!" I say as I hit the wall with my fist.

"The door doesn't respond to violence kids." Inpu says

I pouted as I tilt my head in angry confusion as I see Artemis just continue to struggle pushing on the door.

"He said it's not gonna work dummy!"
I yell at him

Artemis then looks up at me in the midst of uselessly pushing on the door and says,

"I SAID-" I began

"Amaya. No yelling." Bryan says


"It's a magical barrier, you have to excess magic to enter, like a fingerprinting system." Inpu says

"A-who-da-na-what?" I say

Without another word, Inpu walks up to the door and presses his hand on a spiral.

His hand glows gently and the door suddenly disappears, one piece at a time.

Me and Artemis just stare mesmerized at it until we were broken out of it by papa ushering us in.

"Oooh! A fountain!" Artemis excitedly says as he ran up to it with me following close behind.

Artemis jumps up on the fountains first layer, then flys up to the perch fondly sitting on the top of the fountain with me just hovering around the layer as I'm looking at the coins in the water.

"What's that?" Artemis asks as I look in the direction he was pointing

"A bug you dummy!" I say as I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Well obviously!" He said in a mocking tone that annoyed me
"Look at how big it is!"

I look and notice finally that it was pretty big, "Imma poke it!" I then start to quickly fly over to it as Artemis flys after me leaving our parents who just yell to be careful

When we reach the bug, we see that it's way more big than it was back at the fountain. Artemis was staring it in the eyes as I was watching them both wondering who was gonna win this starring contest, when I hear a voice and jumped,

"What are you doing?" I jumped and turned around to see an adult! He was tan and had some weird tattoos that remind me of the bug.

"Uh- Nothing..." I spoke quietly, afraid to get in trouble, I see in the corner of my eye Artemis had stoped the staring contest to join the conversation.

"Hi!!! In Artemis!!!" He says as he excitedly came over,
I was scared of the new guy, so I was trying to get Artemis and run away but he was talking with the man and introduced himself then me.,,

"What your name?" I hear him ask as the new person then replied

Me and Artemis stopped for a second and he then continued to say,
"Oh! I heard of you before!"

"You have?" The Solis guy asked then looked at Artemis with a raised eyebrow, as I got scared and hid behind him,

Artemis replied cheerfully, "Papa mentioned your name once!"

"Yeah, who is your papa?" Solis asked curiously.

"Uhhh.... Papa said his papa was..... Anoo.,, bias... something something..."

"Anubis..." I shyly whispered still hiding behind my twin brother.

The Solis guy then gave an *oh* expression and then continued

"Oh your Inpu's kids? Wow. Thought he died or something." He looked away

"Died...? Why would papa die...?" I ask while still hiding, the man scared me since he was covered in red weird tattoos, and was generally new to me.

"Well, it's been like, what? 5 years? That's a long time." He sighed

"Oooh!!! I'm 5!" Artemis cheerfully exclaims

Solis looked at him with a small smile, "Well that'd add up, you get back to doing whatever you were doing, i guess I'll see you kids around, be safe." He walks off with a slight wave signaling his goodbye,

Me and Artemis just watch him go as I sigh and get out from hiding behind him,
"I don't like this... I wanna go home..."

Artemis looks at me pleadingly and responds "No!! Please we never got to go this far from dad and papa, this is all brand new and if you wanna go home we might never come back!"

I looked at him with my eyes sad.
"...fine... only if you promise to bot leave me."

Artemis gives me a happy smile and responds "I promise! Now let's go! There's so much more to see!" He says pulling me along

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