{2} - The Letter

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(Changing the kids age to 5 years old, they're both the same age as they're twins)

Bryan's P.O.V

I was sound asleep until it got interrupted by some loud and irritating beeping.


I try to get myself up, but feel I am restrained by the arms of my husband, who is refusing to wake up,
as I could clearly see That his eyes were forced shut as he had an irritated expression.

I managed to pull myself to the bedside dresser and silence my alarm all the while dragging Inpu with me as he refused to let go, still the same irritated expression he wears ever morning.

After finally silencing the alarm, I rub my eyes and try to get up,
Only to remember that I am being held down.

I knew that I was going to be the one to wake the kids up and make breakfast, so I had to get up.
So I lifted his arm off of me and began to speak,

"Inpu wake up," I softly spoke

He stirred a lot while pouting and turning to the other side so he could hopefully get more sleep,

I sighed at this and used it to my advantage to get up, And went to get changed.

After changing, I walk to the kitchen where I began to make breakfast.


After breakfast was done I walked to the kids bedroom and woke them up, and it came to no surprise that they had the same reaction as their father. But once they heard pancakes, they were a little bit more compliant.

I smiled as I watched them each get out of bed and tiredly slump into their chairs in the kitchen, but I knew once they'd eaten they'd be more awake.

But now was the hard part, getting Inpu awake

I walked into the master bedroom to see my husband right where I'd left him.

I gave him a little peck on the cheek.
But his reaction was to just doze back off,

"Inpu..." I began softly, "I made breakfast, and we have places to be today, remember?"

I had no doubt in my mind that he more than likely forgotten what was planned today, but using it as an excuse to try to get him up anyways.

"We... do?" He replied tiredly

I sighed as I told him to get dressed, reminding him once again that I'd made breakfast.


It was about a few minutes later when I hear a loud and exaggerated yawn, along with footsteps of a very sleepy Inpu.

I smile and look over to him as I bring his plate of food over to him placing it down on the table in front of where he sat.

After everyone was finished eating I told the kids to go change so we could leave soon, And I could tell that their energy was almost back as I saw them less tiredly run into their shared bedroom and get changed, while me and Inpu on the hand just went to put our shoes on and grab our phones,

"It's been 6 whole years." I say to Inpu as he's tying up his shoes.

He looks at me and smiles, and I could tell that he was also more awake now and refreshed.

"Yeah, time sure does fly by, I mean like- we haven't even told anybody about Artemis and Amaya, how do you think the camp will react?" he asked reminiscing the past

I gave him a solemn smile and pecked his cheek "Your afraid they won't?"

He smiled at this as we got interrupted by Amaya as she was running down with her brother yelling their arrival.

"Well then, let's get going, we've got a whole 6 years to catch up with everybody." I gave him a smile as he returned one and called out to the kids.

"Everybody ready?" He called out

After the kids replied with their own versions of yes, it was finally time to head out.

"I wonder how the camp will react when they see the kids, I mean, its literally been 6 whole years, and the only people to know is my sister Bri and Inpu's sibling, or now my sibling-In-Law, Magnus.
I wonder what everyone thought happened to us...

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