{1} - Just A Regular Day

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It was November 11th, The day the son of Aphrodite gave birth to two beautiful twins,

A boy, and a girl.

And it was also that day when the newly parents finally decided on the two's names.

The boy?
Artemis. He had soft tanish skin, with violet purple eyes as beautiful as the horizon, with vertical half black and white hair, with pure white angel wings, and the most adorable little jackle ears, with the tiniest little tail
An adorable hybrid.

And the girl?
Anaya. She also had the traits of tan skin with equally as gorgeous magenta eyes, as beautiful as the sky on a sunsetting night, As well as pure white angel.


It's been about 5 years now since Amaya and Artemis have been born, and all they love to do is run around all day and play.

Now.. let's get into this.


Bryan's P.O.V

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and I was out tending to my garden when I hear an adorable little voice, who I could recognize immediately to be my 5 year daughter, Amaya.

"DADDY!!!" l Hear the little voice let out an exaggerated yell as she ran from the house to me, along with her twin, who seemed to be holding  something.l that I couldn't yet recognize.

"Hey munchkin, what's this?" I asked with a bright smile on my face, as Artemis ran up to me handing me an envelope,
as they were both staring at me with eagerness waiting for me to open it.

"We found it in the mailbox!"
Artemis replied enthusiastically. Who could now barely contain his excitement, but then again, neither could Amaya.

I look over the envelope and noticed the return address, the name was under... KayKrae?

"Where have I heard that before?" I thought to myself until the memory finally popped into my head,

Camp Oasis, yes I remember now.

"Well then, go get your farther so we can open it." I said with a smile never leaving my face

I watch as they speed off and yell for their father as I walk into the house and into the living room, sitting down on the couch just staring at the letter in my hand.

Next thing I know, I hear the twins race back in and jumped onto couch on the  opposite side form me, followed by Inpu, who sat right beside me.

"So what's this about mail?" He asks with a slightly confused smile.

"It's from Kay," I say to him,

"Who's that??" Amaya asks confusment clear all over her face

"An old friends sweetie." Inpu butted in

I open the letter and read aloud

Dear, Bryan Aphrodite

We would like to formally invite you to join us at Camp Oasis, A home and place to stay for all Demi-Gods alike, Camp is originally open all summer for those who don't have a home to stay, but now, the Camp is opening its doors once again.
We know you haven't come for awhile, but we don't want to guilt trip you into thinking you have to.

The Camp will be officially open tomorrow, 24/7 So your free to come by whenever.

We hope to see you there.
Head Counselor, Mrs.KayKrae

I smiled and looked over to my husband after finishing the letter,
Knowing that the last part was written personally form Kay personally.

"Oooh~ That sounds like fun!" Said Amaya.

"Yeah! Can we go?!" Artemis tagged in

"Well~ I don't know..." Inpu said teasingly

"What do you think dear?" Inpu asked as he looked at me

"Well..." I began
"We have been putting off going because the kids were to young~
So I guess... they might be able to go."

Inpu just gave me a smile, as the twins jumped up in excitement.

I guess we'll head out at 7?

The kids and Inpu groan at this

"Why so early???~" Amaya complains

"Because I said so." I replied rather demandingly

"How about..." Inpu began

I gave him a sad smile

He looked slightly pleased but the kids didn't.

"Well maybe if you go to bed early~" I was cut off with groans as the kids objected

The day ended with putting the kids to sleep and that they would be leaving 7:30 in the morning,
Of course reassuring them that it was gonna be fun.


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