1994 after school

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After she told Luke about her and Reggie's entire fight, and the break up, the bell rang and they all went home. Luke cancelled practice for the day because they all just need some time to think. Luke walks into his room, surprisingly, without being caught by his mom. When he gets in there, he sees Brittany sitting on his bed. "How did you get in here?" He asks her. "No, how did you get here before me?"
"I'm sorry," she replies. "I just couldn't go home. Your mom let me in before she left."
"That's why I didn't run into her. Anyways, why couldn't you go home?"
"Just too many reminders of Reggie. I am so mad about a lot of things right now. I don't think I can play Sandy anymore."
"I get it if you want to quit. I would want to as well if Alex broke up with me."
"You and Alex broke up? I thought you guys were doing good. Well clearly that doesn't mean anything. You tell the truth and suddenly you're a damn monster!"
"No, we didn't. And you are not a monster." He sits next to her as she throws herself on his bed. "You are amazing, wonderful, talented, and incredibly beautiful."
Brittany sits up and looks at Luke. "You think I'm beautiful? Wait. You don't like me do you?" She stands up so fast, she gets a head rush.
"Yes I do think you are beautiful. And no, I don't like you, like that."
She walks to the bed and lays her head on his pillow. He takes off his shoes and lays back with her. She puts her head on his chest and he wraps his arm around her shoulder. "This whole thing just sucks Luke. I hate this." She digs her face in his chest and starts crying.
"I'm sorry. I really am. If it will make you feel better, you can stay here tonight."
"Thanks Luke. I'm really tired, so can we just stay like this, for a while." She closes her eyes and exhales sharply.
"Yeah, we can." Luke smiles at the asleep blonde in his arms and kisses her forehead. He covers the two of them up with the blanket and then closes his eyes. Minutes later, his mom comes rushing into the room.
"Luke!" His mom shouts. "Wake up!" Luke jolts up, which causes Brittany to wake up.
"What's wrong mom?" He asks.
"Your school's auditorium was just on fire." Brittany and Luke look at each other worried and scared.
"So that means no play?" Brittany asks.
"I'm afraid so. Sorry Brittany." His mom leaves the room. As soon as the door closes and they hear footsteps go down the steps, they jolt up and jump for excitement.
"Oh my gosh! That is some of the best news ever! Well, not really, but yeah. No play. Yay!" Brittany jumps onto Luke's arms and he spins her around his room. He sets her down back on the floor and moves the hair out of her face.
"I can't believe there isn't going to be a play," Luke says. "I mean we were all looking forward to this."
"I know, but hey. It might be okay. Who knows. It could turn out way better for us in the future. We could still make our dream of playing the orpheum. It's not too late yet."
"Hopefully it isn't too late. I just don't know what Alex is going to say about this." Just then, Luke's mom comes into the room with the house phone.
"It's for you Luke," she says, handing him the phone. She walks out of his room and down the stairs.
"Hello?" Luke says into the phone.
"Hey," the person on the phone says. "It's Alex."
"Oh hey Alex."
"Did you hear about the auditorium?"
"Yeah. I did. It sucks."
"Also, I can't find my sister and I am freaking out! Is she at your house?" Luke looks at Brittany and sees her shaking her head.
"No. No she isn't here. Sorry."
"It's fine. Can I just come over though. I want help to find her. Besides Reggie and Bobby, you are the only other person that really knows her."
"Yeah. You can come over." Brittany smacks Luke in the back of the head.
"Thanks. I'll see you soon. And Luke."
"I love you."
"I love you too Alex." Luke hangs up and throws the phone on his bed. "Why didn't you let me tell him that you are here?"
"I don't know. I just don't want the comfort of my family right now. I want the comfort of my friends, my best friend." She links her arm with his and lays her head on his shoulder. "I don't want to deal with him right now honestly. And by the way, thanks for inviting him over. So kind of you."
"It's my house. And sorry that I didn't know that you didn't want to see my boyfriend."
"It's okay. Sorry that I lost my cool."
"You're fine. You've been through a lot lately and I get it."
"What the hell is going on?" They hear someone ask. They look up and see Alex standing in the doorway. He rushes off, downstairs and outside. Luke follows him.
"Alex," Luke says. "It's not what it looks like."
"Okay. Then explain what I saw. Because what I saw was my boyfriend lying to me and snuggling up to my sister, who just got out of her relationship. I don't know if I can trust you anymore."
"You're right. You shouldn't. I've been keeping something from you, that I just recently found out about it myself."
"What is it?"
"I like someone else." Alex inhales and exhales sharply. He sits down on the step in front of Luke's house.
"Is it Brittany?"
"Yeah." Luke sits down next to Alex. "I'm sorry that you had to find out this way."
"Does she know?"
"No. Only you and Bobby know."
"Bobby knows?"
"Yes. And I would like to keep it between the three of us. I mean, might be the two of us if he thinks that I don't like her anymore since you and I got together."
"Yeah. That's fine. I won't tell anyone. And thanks for telling me Luke." Luke gets up and offers a hand to Alex. He takes it and pushes off the ground. Luke starts to walk away, but he turns back around and kisses Alex.
"I'll always love you Alex."
"Same here." They kiss again and Luke goes back inside. Alex starts walking off but feels a hand on his arm.
"You okay Alex?" Brittany asks him.
"Luke and I just broke up," he replies.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. Can we just go home?"
"Yeah. Definitely."

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