1994 Monday 6 am

152 0 0

*Beep beep beep beep* The alarm clock goes off. Reggie turns around and turns it off. He notices a beautiful blonde laying next to him. He smiles at the sight of her. He notices her waking up. "Hey," Brittany says.
"Hey beautiful," he says. Brittany smiles and gets really warm inside.
Reggie bends down to kiss her, but before he could, Brittany says,"Are you sure you want to do that? I have bad morning breath."
"I don't care." He bends down to kiss her.
"Okay. I need to get dressed. And so do you."
Brittany grabs her clean clothes out of her bag and goes towards the bathroom. She opens the bathroom door and sees Sam standing in front of her. "Oh my god!" She closes the door and runs back into Reggie's room. "Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god of my god!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"Ew. Nasty, horrible, disgusting things." Brittany holds her hand over her mouth like she is trying not to barf. "I am gonna have to bleach my eyes out."
Reggie starts to laugh. "Why?" Then she hears his door open. When she turns around, she sees Sam in the doorway.
"Did you like what you saw?"
"Trash can," Brittany says. "Gimme a trash can."
"Your girlfriend saw me naked."
"It wasn't on purpose. I was gonna go get dressed. I opened the door, and saw. Gross!"
Reggie starts to laugh. "Okay. Get out Sam." Sam turns around and closes the door behind him. "You can just get dressed in here."
"Okay, but you have to turn around."
"Yeah, seriously."
Reggie turns around. "I honestly can't wait to go back to school," Brittany says as she gets dressed. "I get to see my friends, my new teachers. It's gonna be great." They were gone for summer break. And they get to go back to school and they are so excited for it.
"What about showing off your new necklace?"
"I didn't get a new necklace. What are you talking about?" Brittany turns around to face Reggie's back. "Hey. What are you talking about?"
"I got you a necklace." He turns around and gives her the bracelet. "Read the engraving."
"'R and B 4ever.'' Her eyes tear up. "Thank you. It's really beautiful. Would you please put it on me?" She hands it to him and turns around. Reggie opens the clasp of the necklace, wraps it around Brittany's neck, and closes it. She turns back around to face Reggie. "We… Should head down stairs." Brittany grabs her brush out of her bag and brushes her hair as she leaves Reggie's room with her backpack on her shoulder. They both walk downstairs to join his family for breakfast.
"Where's dad?" Reggie asks his mom.
"I don't know," his mom replies. "At work probably. Hey Brittany. How are you?"
"Hey Mrs. Peters," Brittany replies. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." They both sit down to eat what's in front of them. "Not to be rude, but I don't eat eggs."
"It's okay. Reggie can eat them."
"Mom," he says. "I don't eat eggs either. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I guess I am very forgetful right now. Anyways, what would you guys like?"
"Pancakes would be fine mom. Thank you."
"You know what," Brittany says. "I can make them. You can go back to bed. Call in sick for work. You deserve the day off."
"Yeah, I will. Thank you Brittany." Brittany gets up from where she is sitting, grabs the spatula out of Mrs. Peters hand and walks towards the stove to make the pancakes.
"I hope she feels better," Reggie says, worried. "She has never been like this, ever."
"Did anything happen before I got here?" Reggie shakes his head. "That's weird then. Why is your mom like this?"
"I don't know. I hope it's nothing serious. I can't lose her, or my dad. I love them both and I would hate to see anything happen to them, or anyone I love." Brittany smiles.
"Here you go," she says handing him his plate with two pancakes. She turns off the stove and moves the pan to a different burner.
"You're not going to eat?" She grabs a bowl out of the cupboard and grabs the cereal off of the fridge.
"I also don't eat pancakes."
"Right." She poor's the cereal into the bowl and puts it back on top of the fridge. Then opens the fridge, grabs the milk, poor's it and puts it back in the fridge. "So, which friends do you miss the most?"
"I don't know. I mean, I spent my entire break with my brother and my other annoying friends." Reggie puts his hand to his chest like that comment hurt him. "I'm kidding geeze. Anyways, we should get going. We have to pick up Alex on the way to school." They put their dishes in the sink, grab their backpacks and walk out.

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