1994 Sunday 9pm

168 3 0

Brittany pulls up to Reggie's house and turns off the car. She just sits in there, looking down at the keys in her hands. Brittany can feel the tears roll down her cheeks. She just gives into the tears. She drops her head into her hands and balls as hard and as loud as she can. She smacks the car wheel and jumps because she hits the car horn. She wipes the tears away, grabs her bag and gets out of the car. She just noticed that she never gave Reggie his jacket back and that she was still wearing it. She locks the car and walks up to Reggie's door step. She lifts her hand and knocks on the door. It takes a few minutes before someone answers the door. "Brittany?" Reggie's dad says. "What are you doing here?"
"I was just wondering," She starts. "If I can stay here for the night."
"Yeah, sure. Come on in. Do your parents know you are here?"
"Thank you. And my mom knows, but I am pretty sure she will tell my dad everything." He nods as he closes the door.
"Is that Reggie's leather jacket?"
"Oh, yeah. I got cold and I forgot to give it back to him." Brittany takes off his jacket and puts it on her arm.
"Dad?" A voice says. "Who was at the door?" A familiar man to Brittany comes down the stairs. "Brittany? Is that you?"
'I always forget that Reggie has an older brother.' She thought to herself.
"Hey Sam," she says to him. "It's been a while."
"Dang! You look good!"
Then Reggie walks down stairs and says "Seriously! You have to hit on every girl I date don't you!" Their faces went from smiles to shocked. That news almost gave Mr. Peters a heart attack.
"You two?" Sam starts to laugh. "I thought you two were just friends!"
"Why is this shocking news to you?"
"Because, you could never, ever get a girl like her."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Brittany asks him. "And I suggest you pick your next words carefully!"
"I…. Uh…. I…. Um…."
"Um, uh, um, I ,I? Well, spit it out!"
"You know what. It's getting late. I should get back to my place…. I mean my room to get some sleep. I have a big day tomorrow." He runs up the stairs and Brittany and Reggie start laughing.
"Yeah, we should get to sleep too," Reggie says. "Don't want to be late for school tomorrow. Goodnight dad." He grabs Brittany by the hand and they walk upstairs. They walk into his room and Reggie closes the door behind them. "You can have the bed. I will sleep on the floor." Brittany starts to cry into her hands. "Hey, you okay?"
"No," she replies to him. "I'm not!" She turns around to face him. "Every time I go back home, I think it's going to be different. Thinking that they changed their mind about Alex. They never do and I never know why I think that it is going to change." Reggie walks towards her and pulls her in for a hug. She puts her head in the crook of his neck. "I just don't know why they don't love him for who he is! I hate that!" She cries as hard as she can in Reggie's arms. Reggie moves the two of them to his bed. They pull out of the hug and stare into each other's eyes for what seems like forever. Then Reggie moves his hands to her face and kisses her. Brittany puts her hands on his face and he moves his down to her waist. Reggie stops kissing her, throws her towards the top of the bed and lays on her. Brittany pulls him in and kisses him. She then proceeds to push him off of her, get on top of him and kiss him. Just then, they get interrupted. They both turn around to see Sam standing in the doorway.
"What the hell did I walk into?" Sam says. "I came in here to apologise to Brittany and I see this!"
"You shouldn't be coming into my room whenever you want," Reggie tells off his brother while he stands up. "Now get out!"
Sam walks out of his room, and he slams the door behind him. Reggie sits down at the edge of the bed as Brittany moves towards him. "We should go to bed," she says to him. The really tired Reggie nods in agreement and grabs one of the pillows off of his bed and puts it on the floor. "I actually don't want to sleep up here alone." Reggie grabs the pillow off the floor and places it on the bed. "I'm gonna go put on my pajamas. I'll be right back." Brittany walks out of his room and into the hall bathroom. She closes the door behind her. She places her bag on the floor and opens the bag. She grabs her pajamas out of her bag, takes her other ones off and puts them on. She puts her dirty clothes in her bag. She takes her bag and walks out of the bathroom. On her way out, she sees Sam walking towards the bathroom. She rolls her eyes at him and walks into Reggie's room. When she gets in there, she sees him shirtless. 'Oh my god!' she thinks to herself. 'Okay Brittany, keep it cool. Keep it cool, keep it cool, keep it cool!' She smiles at the sight of seeing him shirtless. 'Way to keep it cool. At least he didn't see you.'
"What?" He asks her.
'Dang it! He saw you!'
"Nothing," she answers. She is still smiling and now blushing. She can't help but look at him like it's the last time she is ever going to look at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"No reason. I am just super tired." She fake yawns.
He laughs. "You like what you see huh? Well, I do too." She laughs. "Well, we should get to sleep."
"Yeah, we should!" They walk to the side of the bed and get under the covers. Reggie turns off the light and lays to face the ceiling. "This is off topic," Brittany starts. "Actually, it's super off topic, but do you think it will ever get better? With Alex and my parents." She turns to face him.
"I don't know," Reggie replies. He turns to face Brittany. "All I know is that whatever happens, you and your brother will always be okay."
"Are you sure? Because I can't lose him. He is one of the most important people in my life. Reg, he is not just a brother to me. He's also one of my best friends."
"I am sure. I haven't seen anyone closer than you two. Well, besides us of course." They both laugh at Reggie's comment. "Why don't we sleep on it and talk about it tomorrow?"
"Yeah, okay." Reggie lays on his back and Brittany moves closer into him. She puts her head on his chest and he puts his arm on her shoulder. She closes her eyes and thinks about a lot of things. 'Tomorrow is going to be a focus on school day. Not the band, not my relationship with Reggie, not my parents, or Alex. I need to focus on grades and not at home drama.' Then she drifts off to sleep.

Meanwhile, at the studio….

Alex is up in the loft moving around, trying to get comfortable. He is twisting and turning. Finally, he gives up. He sits up, grabs the blanket, climbs down the latter and walks towards the couch. He throws his entire body onto the couch and hits something hard. "Ow!" He hears a voice say. He gets up, walks towards the doors and turns on the light. He sees Luke laying there, in pain.
"What are you doing here?" A confused Alex asks.
"What are you doing here?" Luke asks back.
"I am literally living here. And you didn't answer my question. Why are you here?"
Luke sits up and looks down at his feet. "I got in a fight with my mom. I needed to breathe, and I had nowhere else to go. So, I came here."
"Oh, I'm sorry you had a fight with your folks. That sucks." Alex walks to the couch  to comfort his friend. Luke throws himself on Alex and starts to cry. Alex wraps his arms on Luke's back. They haven't been like this in a while. Alex pulls out of the hug and says, "I know this is really bad timing, but I need to tell you something."
"Okay. What is it?"
"I…. Uh…. I like…. You." Luke's face goes from sad to shocked. He had no idea. "I like, like you."
"Uh…." is all he could get out. He can't believe it.
"Please say or do something. Anything." Next thing he knew, his lips were attached to Luke's. He kisses back. 'This can't be happening. There is no way he likes me back. That's impossible. I always see him flirting with a whole bunch of girls.' His inner thoughts stop. He feels the kiss break. "You like me?"
"Yeah," Luke says. "I do. I don't know when it started. I am always flirting with girls and I have no idea how I started liking you, but I do. I think about you 24/7 non stop. You're all I think about Alex."
"You're all I think about too."
"And when my mom came into my room, we started talking. One thing led to the other."
"That's what you guys fought about?"
Luke nods and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah. She said that I am just confused and I don't know what I am saying. She also doesn't want me to be in this band anymore and that it's you who I like. I told her that I'm Bi."
"Are we the only ones who know?"
"No. My dad knows. And…. Your sister knows."
'What?' Alex's inner thoughts say. 'She knows!'
"Oh. My sister knows?"
"Yeah. I asked her if she likes anyone. She told me yes, and that it's Reggie. And I told her who I like, because, you know…. The rule. And she had the same face you have on now." Of course he is shocked. The guy he has liked for years actually likes him back. He has no idea what to do next.

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