Chapter 63

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*We are coming up on the last few chapters now! Thanks so much for supporting this work! I still can't believe we're on Chapter 63 as it is!*

Papa's Tears

-1 Hour Earlier-

The moment Sasuke saw Sakura lifeless figure on the cold bed, he felt his heart stop. It was the scariest moment of his life. All he could do was watch, as Karin attempted to revive her with her own healing ninjutsu. Still, in that moment, he remembered something Sakura said long ago on their journey. When the time is right, you'll know. Medical ninjutsu is about making quick decisions and channeling your emotions into your jutsu. I'm sure at some point, there'll be a time where your body will just move on its own. Medical ninjutsu will become second nature to you if you just learn to follow your instincts.

"Sakura" he whispered, walking over to her. Tears streamed down his face, as he focused his energy on his connection to her. Without realizing it, he activated his Mangekyou Sharingan. This time however, instead of manipulating minds through fear, he used his genjutsu to express his true feelings in that moment. He had to bring her back somehow. He had to let her know how he felt. He flooded her mind with memories of their shared past, the good and the bad. Then there was Sarada, she had to know that her daughter and he were waiting for her.

"Come back to me" he whispered softly.

"Sasuke" Karin released her arm, now covered in fresh bite marks. "It might be too late. First aid medical ninjutsu isn't going to cut it. My chakra doesn't seem to be enough to sustain her either. You might need to...well...let her go."

"Shut up! She'll live" he cried. "Damn it, Sakura. Come on! Come home! Please, don't leave me all alone" he sobbed. He focused all of his chakra into a fine point on her abdomen. He cried out as his energy drained in a flurry, the green chakra flowing steadily into her. Focus, focus, focus, he thought desperately. Sakura, Sakura! "Shannaro!" he called in her signature style.

A few agonizing minutes later, she opened her eyes wearily. Despite her clear exhaustion, Sasuke was simply relieved that she was alive. Forgoing his stoic persona for the moment, he held his wife close. "Sakura" he sobbed against her. He never wanted to lose his family again.


After she had time to rest and recover, they made a plan to return to the Leaf with Sarada. Their journey seemed to go by so quickly and yet, so much happened over the past year.

"So, one more year together" Sakura sighed.

Sasuke nodded, caressing Sarada's tiny cheek as she slept. "One year."

"Sounds good to me" she smiled melancholically.

He frowned, knowing the difficult position she was in. Considering the lengths he needed to go through to maintain order, Sakura would likely end up raising their precious daughter on her own. The very thought tore at his heart. Still, he knew his duty, not only as a ninja and Uchiha clan member, but as this child's father. He needed to protect his small family, no matter the cost. Just looking at his little girl however, he could tell that she'd be fine. She was born to a family of the strongest shinobi, neo-sannin, after all. She'd grow up to be a wonderful heir to the Uchiha lineage.

Slowly Karin made her way over to them after a period of rest. "Let me give Sarada one more check" she grumbled.

Sakura smiled softly, holding the newborn out towards her without complaint.

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